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  消化病学名词           ★★★ 【字体:
消化病学名词Digestive disease terminology
作者:佚名 文章来源:医学全在线 更新时间:2006-6-17 1:46:27


肝淀粉样变性, amyloidosis of liver

肝动脉造影[术], hepatic arteriography

肝梗死, infarction of liver

肝结核, tuberculosis of liver

肝静脉梗阻, hepatic venous obstruction

肝慢性阻性充血, chronic passive congestion of liver

肝毛细线虫病, capillariasis hepatica

肝门肠吻合术, portoenterostomy, Kasai procedure

肝内胆管结石, calculus of intrahepatic duct

肝内胆管结石病, hepatolithiasis

肝内胆汁淤积, intrahepatic cholestasis

肝脓肿, liver abscess

肝脾大, hepatosplenomegaly

肝片吸虫病,  fascioliasis hepatica

肝肾联合移植, combined liver and kidney transplantation

肝肾综合征, hepatorenal syndrome

肝素辅因子, heparin co-factor

肝素化, heparinization

肝素化逆转, heparinization reversal

肝细胞移植, hepatocyte transplantation

肝下垂, hepatoptosis

肝纤维化, hepatic fibrosis

肝心联合移植, combined liver and heart transplantation

肝性昏迷, hepatic coma

肝性脑病, hepatic encephalopathy

肝炎后肝硬化, posthepatitic cirrhosis

肝胰联合移植, combined liver and pancreas transplantation

肝移植, liver transplantation

肝硬化, cirrhosis of liver

肝周炎, perihepatitis

感染性腹泻, infectious diarrhea

感染性胃炎, infectious gastritis

肛管癌, cancer of anal canal

肛裂, anal fissure, 

肛门闭锁会阴瘘, anal atresia with perineal fistula

肛门闭锁尿道瘘, anal atresia with urethral fistula

肛门闭锁前庭瘘, anal atresia with vestibular fistula

肛门闭锁阴道瘘, anal atresia with vaginal fistula

肛门镜, anoscope

肛门镜检查[术], anoscopy

肛门溃疡, anal ulcer

肛门瘙痒[症], pruritus ani

肛门狭窄, anal stenosis

肛门直肠瘘, anorectal fistula

肛门直肠脓肿, anorectal abscess

肛乳头炎, anal papillitis

肛周脓肿, perianal abscess

高胆红素血[症], hyperbilirubinemia

高淀粉酶血[症], hyperamylasemia

高峰酸排出量, peak acid output

Grey Turner征, Grey Turner sign

膈膨升, eventration of diaphragm

膈疝, diaphragmatic hernia

膈下脓肿, subphrenic abscess

梗阻性阑尾炎, obstructive appendicitis

孤立性非特异性溃疡, isolated nonspecific ulcer

骨盆直肠窝脓肿, pelvirectal abscess

管探查[术], exploration of common bile duct

光动力学治疗[术], photodynamic therapy

光凝固[术], photocoagulation

果糖不耐受[症], fructose intolerance

黑粪, melena

黑勒贲门肌切开术, heller operation,

横结肠造口术, transverse colostomy

呼气试验breath test

糊状便, mushy stool

滑动性食管裂孔疝, sliding hiatus hernia

滑管, sliding tube

化脓性腹膜炎, purulent peritonitis

化脓性阑尾炎, suppurative appendicitis

化脓性胰腺炎, purulent pancreatitis

化生性息肉, metaplastic polyp

化学性腹膜炎, chemical peritonitis

坏疽性胆囊炎, gangrenous cholecystitis

坏疽性阑尾炎, gangrenous appendicitis

坏死后肝硬化, postnecrotic cirrhosis

坏死性胰腺炎, necrotizing pancreatitis

环状胰腺, annular pancreas

黄疸, jaundice, icterus

黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎, xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis

磺溴酞钠试验, bromsulphalein test

回肠膀胱扩大术, ileum augmentation cystoplasty, ileocystoplasty

回肠膀胱尿流改道术, ileal conduit diversion

回肠膀胱术, ileal conduit, Bricker operation

回肠肛管吻合术, ileoanal anastomosis

回肠横结肠吻合术, ileotransversostomy

回肠憩室, ileal diverticulum

回肠造口术, ileostomy

回盲部结核, ileocecal tuberculosis

Whipple病, Whipple disease 

混合性结石, mixed stone, mixed calculus

混合性毛细血管-海绵状血管瘤, mixed capillary-cavernous hemangioma

活动性肝炎, active hepatitis

活体部分肝移植, partial living liver transplantation

获得性巨结肠, acquired megacolon

机械性肠梗阻, mechanical intestinal obstruction, mechanical ileus

基础酸排出量, basal acid output

Killian憩室, Killian diverticulum

激光治疗[术], laser therapy

急腹症, acute abdomen

急性肠系膜淋巴结炎, acute mesenteric lymphadenitis

急性出血性胰腺炎, acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis

急性腐蚀性食管炎, acute corrosive esophagitis

急性肝[功能]衰竭, acute hepatic failure

急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎, acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis

急性坏死性胰腺炎, acute necrotizing pancreatitis

急性间质性胰腺炎, acute interstitial pancreatitis

急性卡他性阑尾炎, acute catarrhal appendicitis

急性弥漫性腹膜炎, acute diffuse peritonitis, 

急性水肿性胰腺炎, acute edematous pancreatitis

急性胃扩张, acute dilatation of stomach

急性胃扩张, acute gastric dilatation

急性应激性溃疡, acute stress ulcer

急性重型肝炎, acute severe hepatitis, fulminant hepatitis

急诊肝移植, emergency liver transplantation

继发性巨结肠, secondary megacolon

寄生虫性腹泻, parasitic diarrhea

Gardner综合征, Gardner syndrome

家族性肠息肉病, familial intestinal polyposis

家族性结肠息肉病, familial polyposis coli

甲胎蛋白测定, alpha-fetoprotein detemination

甲型病毒性肝炎, viral hepatitis type A

假膜性结肠炎, pseudomembranous colitis

假膜性小肠结肠炎, pseudomembranous enterocolitis

假憩室, pseudodiverticulum

假息肉, pseudopolyp

假性感染性直肠炎, pseudoinfectious proctitis

假性结肠梗阻, false colonic obstruction, Ogilvie syndrome

减体积肝移植, reduced-size liver transplantation

碱性反流性胃炎, alkaline reflux gastritis

浆液性腹膜炎, serous peritonitis

胶原性结肠炎, collagenous colitis

绞窄性肠梗阻, strangulated intestinal obstruction

节段小肠移植, segmental small intestine transplantation

节段性肠扩张, segmental dilatation of intestine

节段胰腺移植, segmental pancreas transplantation

结肠癌, cancer of colon

结肠癌Dukes分类法, Dukes classification for colon cancer

结肠膀胱瘘, colovesical fistula

结肠穿孔, colonic perforation

结肠次全切除术, subtotal colectomy

结肠非特异性溃疡, nonspecific ulcer of colon

结肠孤立性溃疡, colonic solitary ulcer

结肠黑色素沉着病, melanosis coli

结肠后胃空肠吻合术, retrocolic gastrojejunostomy

结肠回肠侧吻合术, Martin procedure

结肠结核, tuberculosis of colon

结肠镜检查[术], colonoscopy

结肠憩室病, diverticular disease of colon

结肠前胃空肠吻合术, antecolic gastrojejunostomy

结肠切除术, colectomy

结肠切开术, colotomy

结肠缺血, colonic ischemia

结肠息肉, polyp of colon

结肠息肉病, polyposis coli

结肠腺瘤, adenoma of colon

结肠造口术, colostomy

结肠直肠切除术, coloproctectomy

结核性腹膜炎, tuberculous peritonitis

结石性胰腺炎, calcareus pancreatitis

近侧胃迷走神经切断术, proximal gastric vagotomy

经腹骶直肠切除术, abdominosacral resection, anterior resection

经颈静脉胆管造影[术], transjugular cholangiography

经口胆管镜检查[术], peroral cholangioscopy

经皮经肝胆管镜检查[术], percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopy

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