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  消化病学名词           ★★★ 【字体:
消化病学名词Digestive disease terminology
作者:佚名 文章来源:医学全在线 更新时间:2006-6-17 1:46:27


小儿内镜检查[术], pediatric endoscopy

小儿小肠移植, pediatric small intestine transplantation

斜视内镜, oblique-viewing endoscope

泻药性结肠, cathartic colon

心源性肝硬化, cardiac cirrhosis

新生儿肝炎综合征, neonatal hepatitis syndrome

新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎, necrotizing enterocolitis of newborn

胸腹膜裂孔疝, bochdalek hernia

选择性肝移植, selective-term liver transplantation

选择性迷走神经切断术, selective vagotomy

血便, bloody stool

血管显露, exposed vessel

亚急性阑尾炎, subacute appendicitis

亚急性重型肝炎, subacute severe hepatitis

咽憩室, pharyngeal diverticulum

咽食管憩室,  pharyngoesophageal diverticulum

咽下部憩室, hypopharyngealdiverticulum, 

炎性肠病, inflammatory bowel disease

炎性息肉, inflammatory polyp

一期小肠移植, one-stage small intestine transplantation

胰胆管汇合异常, malfusion of pancreatobiliary ducts

胰岛素瘤, insulinoma, insuloma

胰岛细胞瘤, islet cell tumor

胰功能不全, pancreatic insufficiency

胰管梗阻, pancreatemphraxis

胰管结扎式胰腺移植, duct-ligation pancreas transplantation

胰管镜检查[术], pancreatoscopy

胰管填塞式胰腺移植, duct obstruction pancreas transplantation

胰管未汇合, non-fusion of pancreatic ducts

胰结核, tuberculosis of pancreas

胰空肠吻合术, pancreaticojejunostomy

胰瘘, pancreatic fistula

胰肾联合移植, combined pancreas and renal transplantation

胰十二指肠切除术, pancreaticoduodenectomy

胰十二指肠移植, pancreas-duodenal transplantation

胰石, pancreatolith, pancreatic calculus

胰石病, pancreatolithiasis

胰腺创伤, pancreatic trauma

胰腺分裂, pancreas divisum

胰腺钙化, calcification of pancreas

胰腺假囊肿, pancreatic pseudocyst

胰腺囊肿, pancreatic cyst

胰腺脓肿, abscess of pancreas

胰腺外瘘, external fistula of pancreas

胰腺炎, pancreatitis

胰腺移植, pancreas transplantation

胰腺异位, heterotopic pancreas

胰腺周围脓肿, peripancreatic abscess

胰源性腹水, pancreatic ascites

移动性盲肠, mobile caecum

移植胰假性囊肿, graft pancreatic pseudocyst

移植胰胰瘘, graft pancreatic fistula

移植胰胰腺炎, graft pancreatitis

乙型病毒性肝炎, viral hepatitis type B

乙状结肠膀胱, sigmoid conduit

乙状结肠膀胱扩大术, sigmoid augmentation cystoplasty, 

乙状结肠结核, tuberculosis of sigmoid colon

乙状结肠镜检查[术], sigmoidoscopy

异位肝移植, heterotopic liver transplantation

异位小肠移植, heterotopic small intestine transplantation

异位胰腺移植, heterotopic pancreas transplantation

饮食过多, hyperphagia

隐肛, covered anus

隐窝炎, cryptitis

隐源性肝硬化, cryptogenic cirrhosis

印片法细胞学检查[术], imprint cytologic examination

应激性溃疡, stress ulcer

硬化性胆管炎,  sclerosing cholangitis

硬式内镜, rigid endoscope

永久性结肠造口术, permanent colostomy

幽门闭锁, pyloric atresia

幽门成形术, pyloroplasty

幽门梗阻, pyloric obstruction

幽门管溃疡, pyloric canal ulcer

幽门环变形, deformity of pyloric ring

幽门肌切开术, pyloromyotomy

幽门蹼, pyloric web

幽门前瓣膜, prepyloric diaphragm

幽门狭窄, pyloric stenosis

游动胆囊, floating gallbladder

右半结肠切除术, right hemicolectomy

幼年性息肉, juvenile polyp

淤胆型肝炎, cholestatic hepatitis

预备性切开, precutting

原发性胃食管反流, primary gastro-esophageal reflux

原发性移植肝无功能, primary liver graft nonfunction

原位肝移植, orthotopic liver transplantation

原位旁肝移植, paratopic liver transplantation

原位旁胰腺移植, paratopic pancreas transplantation

原位小肠移植, orthotopic small intestine transplantation

再次肝移植, secondary liver transplantation

暂时性结肠造口术, temporary colostomy

增生性胆囊炎, hyperplastic cholecystitis

增生性胃病, hyperplastic gastropathy

增生性息肉, hyperplastic polyp

粘连性腹膜炎, adhesive peritonitis

粘膜不平, uneven mucosa

粘膜桥, mucosal bridge

粘膜切除术, mucosectomy

粘膜缺乏光泽, lack of mucosal luster

粘膜皱襞杵状肥大, clubbing of mucosal fold

粘膜皱襞前端变细, tapering of mucosal fold

粘膜皱襞中断, abrupt ending of mucosal fold

粘液样便,  mucoid stool

脂肪肝, fatty liver

蜘蛛痣, spider angioma

直肠膀胱一结肠腹壁造口术, rectal bladder and abdominal colostomy

直肠固定术, proctopexy, rectopexy

直肠后脓肿, retrorectal abscess

直肠后拖也吻合巨结肠根治术, duhamel procedure

直肠环钳吻合术, ring clamp anastomosis of rectum

直肠肌鞘拖出吻合巨结肠根治术, soave procedure

直肠镜检查[术], proctoscopy

直肠瘘, rectal fistula

直肠膨出, rectocele

直肠切除术, proctectomy

直肠烧灼, rectal burning

直肠损伤, rectal injury

直肠脱垂, rectal prolapse

直肠狭窄, stricture of rectum

直肠炎, proctitis

直肠乙状结肠镜检查[术], proctosigmoidoscopy

直肠阴道瘘, rectovaginal fistula

直肠指检, digital rectal examination

直肠周围脓肿, perirectal abscess

直视下活检[术], direct vision biopsy

植物石, phytobezoar

中肠扭转, midgut volvulus

中毒性肝硬化, toxic cirrhosis

舟状腹, scaphoid abdomen

皱襞集中, converging folds

自发性腹膜炎, spontaneous peritonitis

自发性胃穿孔, spontaneous perforation of stomach

自体小肠移植, autologous small intestine transplantation

最大酸排出量, maximal acid output

左半结肠切除术, left hemicolectomy

Zollinger-Ellison综合征, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

坐骨直肠窝脓肿, ischiorectal abscess

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