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What is Qi Gong?
作者:佚名 文章来源:Bruce Eichelberger 点击数: 更新时间:2007-4-8 9:38:38

Chi Kung (Qi Gong) means literally, "Energy Cultivation," and refers to exercises which improve health and longevity as well as increase the sense of harmony within oneself and in the world. There are thousands of such exercises. In fact, anything you do with the intention of benefiting your energy can be considered Chi Kung. All Chi Kung contains common principles - mind, eyes, movement and breath. Another way to express this is - the mind is the presence of intention, the eyes are the focus of intention, the movement is the action of intention, the breath is the flow of intention. These are the "secrets" of Chi Kung - and they are often taught at the beginning of training. Of course it takes years of exploring these ideas in practice to begin to truly grasp their significance.

文章录入:凌云    责任编辑:凌云 
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