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您现在的位置: 医学全在线 > 精品课程 > 护理学 > 南华大学 > 正文:护理学基础考核办法:测试题二


护理学基础考核办法阶段测试题:测试题二:◎<测试题二>※<测试题二>南华大学护理学院《护理学基础》测试题二一、Select the best answer for each of the following questions.(one point per question, thirty points in total)1. A safe environment is one in which people:A. feel a sen



一、Select the best answer for each of the following questions.(one point per question, thirty points in total)


1. A safe environment is one in which people:

A. feel a sense of comfortable   B. feel a sense of security  

C. can function without injury and feel a sense of security

D. can function without injury 

2. Noise has many sources, most of which are associated with

A. urban development: road, air and rail transport   B. industrial noise

C. neighborhood and recreational noise     D. all of the above

3. All the following comments on indoor temperatures are right except that:

A. how people define comfort in temperature varies among individuals and cultures.

B. most North Americans feel comfortable in indoor temperatures between 20 and 22?C. Chinese people are comfortable indoor temperatures between 18 and 22?C 

C. rooms for newborns may be kept warmer than this because they have little subcutaneous fat and immature neurological system 

D. many elderly and inactive patients enjoy a less warm environment

3. When the humidity is high, people often have:

A. increasing an incidence of irritation and infection  B. stuffy

C. dry mucous membranes of the nose and throat

D. cracking of nasal mucous and nosebleeds

4. Adequate lighting is not true:

A. no dim B. no glaring  C. no deep shadows   D. dim

5. Generally speaking, which of the following sound levels is comfortable in hospitals?

A. below 35 decibels  B. below 40 decibels

C. below 45 decibels  D. below 50 decibels

6. The closed bed is:

A. often made after a patient has discharged or just before a new patient is admitted 

B. often made before a new patient admitted or after a patient is away for a moment

C. often made for patients who have undergone surgical procedures

D. often made for patients who have been given anesthetic for certain examinations

7. One sign that a formerly ill or depressed patient feels better is an interest in:

A. shaving, hair care, or makeup  B. diet

C. treatment   D. nursing care

8. To determine the movement of lips, the patient is asked to:

A. purse the lips as if to whistle   B. talk C. brush  D. drink

9. About 75% of elderly people have lost all their own teeth:

A. by age 60    B. by age 65   C. by age 70     D. by age 75

10. If the hair is long and tangles, what the nurse should do:

A. use a small amount of 30% alcohol to moisten it and then comb it slowly 

B. use a small amount of 90% alcohol to moisten it and then comb it slowly

C. use a small amount of water to moisten it and then comb it slowly

D. directly comb it slowly

11. When bathing an adult in bed the nurse should adjust the temperature of the room and water respectively to:

A. 18~22℃, and 50~52℃  B. 22~24℃, and 41~46℃ 

C. 22~25℃, and 41~46℃  D. 22~25℃, and 50~52℃

12. Decubitus ulcers are chiefly:

A. because of prolonged pressure resulting in deprivation of oxygen to an area  

B. because of anemia resulting in deprivation of essential nutrients to an area 

C. because of prolonged pressure resulting in deprivation of oxygen and essential nutrients to an area

D. because of prolonged moisture resulting in the skin ulcers

13. Skin and underlying tissues are pulled over each other because of:

A. pressures B. shearing forces  C. friction   D. none of the above

14. Which of the following morning care activities is the first one?

A. toileting  B. breakfast C. washing the face and hands D. oral care

15. Insertion of a rectal thermometer may cause a potentially harmful condition. This condition is

A.  an increase in heart rate  B. a decrease in heart rate

C. an involumtarty loss of stool  D. an increase in respirations

16. While taking an adult client’s pulse, the nurse finds the rate to be 140. The nurse would report and document this finding as:

A.  hyperthermia  B. bradycardia   C. palpitations D. tachycardia

17. A client complains of severe abdominal pain. When assessing the vital signs, the nurse would not be surprised to find:

A. an increase in the pulse rate   B. a decrease in body temperature

C. a decrease in body pressure   D. an increase in body temperature

18. In recording a blood pressure of 120/80, the 120 represents

A.  the pulse rate     B. the diastolic pressure&nbwww.lindalemus.com/shiti/sp; 

C. the systolic pressure   D. the pulse deficit

19. When taking exercise, food, fluid or other activities, the agencies should be measured temperature in:

A. 15 minutes   B. 20 minutes C. 30 minutes   D. 40 minutes

20. When using side rails and restraints, what is the most important thing for the patients?

A. the patients understand why these devices are being employed and what is expected of them

B. the nurse should know how to use these devices 

C. the nurse should follow the agency policy

D. the nurses understand why these devices are being employed

21. Type A fibers chiefly transmit:

A. burning sensation B. pricking pain 

C. aching pain   D. squeezing pain

22. Sometimes a patient feels pain in an area other than the site of the source of the pain, this is called:

A. phantom pain    B. referred pain  

C. shifting pain     D. psychogenic pain

23. The most common cycle is:

A. the circadian rhythm, a 1-day cycle   B. the infradian rhythm, a monthly cycle

C. the ultradian rhythm, consisting of cycles completed in minutes or hours

D. all of the above

24. A person can be readily awakened from which stage of NREM sleep

A. stage I  B. stage II C. stage III   D. stage IV

25. The following thermotherapy applications are dry heat except:

A. hot compress     B. hot water bottles  C. electric packs  D. heat lamps

26. The following factors effect heat and cold therapy are true except:

A. area   B. time    C. temperature    D. psychology

27. Those people who are more sensitive to heat than others, the temperature of water is less than:

A. 60℃  B. 50℃    C. 40℃   D. 55℃

28. When applying the ice cap, the rectal temperature should not be less than:

A. 30℃  B. 33℃ C. 35℃   D. 37℃

29. Decreased muscle size is called;

A. contractures  B. ankylosis    C. atrophy D. osteoporosis

30. If the sleeper is very tired, REM cycles are often

A. short B. long C. unchanged  D. short or long

二、多选题 (每题1分,共10分)

1.住院处护理中不宜进行卫生处置的病人有( )

A.即将分娩者   B.急性心机梗死病人     C.低热待查病人

D.白内障待手术病人   E.食管静脉曲张破裂出血病人

2.呼吸困难病人采取半坐卧位的目的是( )

A.扩大胸腔容量    B.减少回心血量     C.保持呼吸道通畅

D.减轻心脏负担    E.改善呼吸困难

3.隔离技术用于( )

A.传染病病人    B.高度易感人群  C.传染病带菌者  

D.免疫力低下者  E.年老体弱的病人

4.低温蒸汽消毒法用于( )

A.内镜 B.搪瓷    C.敷料

D.塑料制品   E.橡胶制品

5.健康女性体温轻度升高可发生在( )

A.经前期  B.排卵期   C.经期  

D.经后期  E.妊娠早期


6.可直肠测温的病人是( )

A.心机梗死的病人 B.腹泻病人 C.热坐浴后40分钟的病人

D.精神疾病病人   E.婴幼儿

7.由于操作不当使血压偏高的因素是( )

A.袖口太紧    B.袖带缠臂太松    C.袖带太窄

D.袖带太宽 E.被测肢体低于心脏水平

8.李先生,70岁,晨间醒后出现头痛眩晕、肢体麻木,医生诊断为“脑梗死”。此时不可以应用的护理措施是( )

A.保持环境安静    B.鼓励病人多活动  C.禁止灌肠

D.头部置冰袋或冰帽   E.血压监护,防止降压过快、过低

9.留置导尿管时,定期更换导尿管的目的是( )

A.锻炼膀胱的反射功能  B.减轻局部疼痛 C.防止导尿管老化、折段

D.防止出现膀胱刺激症状   E.防止逆行感染

10.小量不保留灌肠操作中正确的是( )

A.用24~26号肛管   B.液量不超过200ml C.病人取左侧卧位

D.肛管插入7~10cm  E.保留10~20分钟再排便

三、名词解释 (每题2分,共10分)



3.Blood pressure



四、填空题 (每空0.5分,共10分)


药品数据2.尿液异常时颜色的改变有:肉眼血尿 ,血红蛋白尿呈   ,胆红素尿呈   ,脓尿呈 ,乳糜尿呈 





五、问答题 (每题6分,共18分)




六、综合分析题 (第一题10分,第二题12分,共22分)



⑴ 该病人可能发生了什么情况?

⑵ 应采取哪些护理措施?


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