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护理学基础考核办法阶段测试题:测试题一:◎<测试题一>※<测试题一>南华大学护理学院护理《护理学基础》测试题一一、Select the best answer for each of the following questions. (one point per question, thirty points in total)1. Safety and security needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of n



一、Select the best answer for each of the following questions. (one point per question, thirty points in total)


1. Safety and security needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are:

A. second-level needs  B. primary needs

C. third-level needs D. forth-level needs

2. One of the most serious problems facing humanity and all other living things today is:

A. environment pollution   B. poor  C. war    D. hungry

3. How people define comfort in temperature varies among individuals and cultures. Chinese people feel comfortable indoor temperatures

A. between 20 and 22?C B. between 18 and 22?C 

C. between 22 and 24?C D. between 18 and 24?C

4. Most people are comfortable when the humidity is:

A. between 45% and50%   B. between 50% and 55% 

C. between 50% and 60%   D. between 55% and 65%

5. The distance of among the beds usually more than:

A. 0.5 M B. 0.8 M   C. 1 M D. 2 M

6. Many disease organisms enter the body through:

A. the mouth B. the skin   C. small intestines  D. ears

7. The mouth care for unconscious patients from which of the following tooth the mouth gag should be inserted:

A. the incisor   B. the first molar   C. the second molar  D. the third molar

8. The temperature of water for a shampoo should be:

A. 40~43℃  B. 43~45℃   C. 45~48℃     D. 48~50℃

9. When taking tub bath or shower the nurse should adjust the temperature of the room and water respectively to:

A. 18~22℃, and 41~46℃  B. 22~24℃, and 41~46℃ 

C. 18~22℃, and 40~43℃  D. 22~24℃, and 45~50℃

10. The susceptible areas resulting in pressure sores are:

A. supine position: back of head-scapulae, elbows, sacrum, heels 

B. prone position: cheek and ear

C. lateral position: side of head, ear, shoulder, ribs, greater trochanter, breasts (women), genitalia, knees, toes

D. all of the above

11. Which factor in the formation of a pressure ulcer is more important?

A. the amount of pressure    B. duration of pressure 

C. moisture    D. nutrient condition

12. Which of the following injures are the mechanical injuries:

A. injuries from accidental falls   B. injuries from heat

C. infection D. using appropriately or wrongly of medicine

13. Behavioral and physical signs help assess the severity of pain on a scale of 1 to10, between about 8 and 10 belong to:

A. moderate pain B. severe pain C. slight pain   D. mild pain

14. The trendelenburg position is not used for:

A. circulatory shock B. drainage of pulmonary secretion

C. bronchial asthma    D. premature rupture of membranes

15. Which of the following sleep characteristics is not true?

A. minimal physical activity   B. variable levels of consciousness  

C. increased responsiveness to external stimuli 

D. changes in the body’s physiologic processes     

16. Rhythmic biologic clocks (biorhythms) exist in

A. plants   B. anima   C. human   D. plants, animals, and humans

17. REM sleep is:

A. not a passive, but a relatively active state B. also referred to as deep, restful sleep

C. slow wave sleep  D. a relatively inactive state

18. Heat and cold applications can be applied in either dry or moist forms; the form of choice depends upon:

A. the exact purpose of the application and the type of wound    B. part of the body

C. size of the part of the exposed to heat of cold   D. environmental temperature

19. Heat is well tolerated by:

A. the very youths   B. the healthy adult

C. the elderly D. the people with circulatory problems

20. When applying the hot soak, we should adjust the temperature of water so that it is between:

A. 43-46℃     B. 50-60℃     C. 60-70℃  D.38-41℃

21. Which of the following treatments is an example of moist heat?

A. heat cradlwww.lindalemus.com/wszg/e   B. hot water bottle  C. heat lamp D. sitz bath

22. When applying the ice cap, the rectal temperature should not be less than:

A. 30℃  B. 33℃ C. 35℃  D. 37℃

23. An elevation of the body temperature above normal is labeled

A.  pyrexia  B. hypothermia C. hypertension  D. aferbrile

24. Blood pressure is the measurement of

A.  the flow of blood through the circulation

B.  the force of blood against arterial walls

C.  the force of blood against venous walls

D.  the flow of blood through the geart

25. Which of the following descriptions belongs to the abnormal respiration depth?

A. Kussmal respiration  B. tachypnea 

C. Cheyne-stokes   D. Biot’s respiration

26. Findings from which of the following assessments would indicate that an alcohol sponge bath should be stopped?

A. pulse rate and skin color B. skin temperature 

C. amount of sweating  D. amount of shivering

27. The process of bone demineralization is called:

A. contractures   B. ankylosis  C. atrophy D. osteoporosis

28. Muscle shortening and acquires movement belong to:

A. isometric exercise   B. isokinetic exercise  

C. isotonic exercise    D. aerobic exercise

29. The semi-fowler’s position is applicable to:

A. facial or cervical surgery, patient after surgery of abdominal and pelvic cavity  

B. acute left heart failure, dyspnea caused by pulmonary diseases, patients with inflammation

C. weak patient during recovering  D. shock

30. Pain that moves from one area to another, such as from the lower abdomen to the area over the stomach, this is called:

A. sharp pain   B. dull pain   C. diffuse pain    D. shifting pain

二、多选题 (每题1分,共10分)

1.急救器械不包括( )

A.呼吸机   B.电动吸引器  C.心电图机  

D.纤维胃镜 E.紫外线灯

2.病室通风的目的是( )

A.净化空气   B.消灭细菌    C.增加氧含量  

D.减少细菌数量  E.抑制细菌生长

3.吴先生,60岁,因中毒性肺炎到急诊科治疗,给予吸氧和输液后用平车送往病区住院治疗,途中应注意( )

A.安置安全卧位   B.暂停输液和保持吸氧   C.注意保暖

D.上下坡时头在高处  E.暂停吸氧和保持输液

4.肛门部位的检查可采用( )

A.屈膝  B.侧卧位  C.俯卧位  D.截石位  E.膝胸位

5.煮沸消毒法,水中加碳酸氢钠的目的是( )

A.提高沸点  B.清洁去污 C.防止物品变形  

D.防锈   E.增强杀菌作用

6.传染病区内的清洁区是指( )

A.病区走廊  B.医护值班室   C.病人厕所  

D.病区化验室   E.更衣室

7.不重视口腔护理引起的并发症有( )

A.鼻窦炎    B.口腔炎    C.腮腺炎

D.中耳炎 E.扁体炎

8.刘先生,背部烧伤,需俯卧,在制定护理计划时,应考虑有发生压疮的潜在危险( )

A.足跟   B.肩胛骨    C.胸肋部、膝部

D.髂前上棘www.med126.com  E.踝部

9.由于操作不当使血压偏高的因素是( )

A.袖口太紧     B.袖带缠臂太松    C.袖带太窄

D.袖带太宽  E.被测肢体低于心脏水平

10.可用冷疗的病人是( )

A.肘关节挫伤5天  B.鼻出血   C.左小腿慢性炎症

D.下肢浅静脉炎 E.中暑高热

三、名词解释 (每题2分,共10分)


2.Therapeutic diets



5.Sterile techniques


1.新生儿及老年病人,室温应保持在  ℃。







7.成人血压计的袖带宽 cm,长 cm。小儿袖带宽度应是上臂长度的

五、问答题 (每题6分,共18分)




六、综合分析题 (第一题10分,第二题12分,共22分)



⑴ 该病人可能发生了什么情况?

⑵ 应采取哪些护理措施?


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