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护理学基础双语教学-双语教程:1 Anesthesia Bed

护理学基础双语教学双语教程:1 Anesthesia Bed:Unit1:MakinganAnesthesiaBed(铺麻醉床)Objective:1、Toacceptandgiveappropriatetreatmenttothepostoperative(手术后)clientwhoisn’tfullyawakeafterhavinganesthesia(麻醉)orsurgery.2、Topreventt

Unit 1: Makingan Anesthesia Bed (铺麻醉床)

Objective: 1、 Toaccept and give appropriate treatment to the postoperative  (手术后) client who isn’t fully awake afterhaving anesthesia(麻醉) or surgery.

2、To prevent the bed from contamination(污染)by blood or vomiting matter(呕吐物).

3、Keep client in a safe and comfortableenvironment and,prevent  complications(并发症).

Assessment:   surgicalsite (position), type of anesthesia


1、Nurse: Prepareall the equipments according to the type of the surgery and anesthesia.



Bottom sheet (大单), Quilt Cover (被套), Pillowcase(枕套), rubber drawsheets(橡胶单) and drawsheet(中单)(each for two)

ii)Anesthesia treatment pan( 麻醉护理盘):

l  Inthe area of Sterile protective pad(无菌巾):

Mouth-gag(开口器),Tongue forceps(舌钳),Therapeutic bowl(治疗碗),Oxygen nasal tube(氧气鼻导管),Suction catheters(吸引管),Swab(棉签),Spatula(压舌板), Forceps(镊子),Gauze(纱布)

l  Outof Sterile protective pad (无菌巾):

Flashlight(电筒), Stethoscope(听诊器), Protective pad

(治疗巾) Blood pressure meter(血压计),Kidney basin

(弯盘), Adhesive tape(胶带),Scissors(剪刀),

Record Card(记录单),Pen(笔)

Procedure:  Thefollowing Step One to Four have been taught  in former lesson(Closed bed),Let’srecite:

1) Gatherlinens in order of use and put them on a medication trolley(治疗车), bring it to the foot of the bed;

2) Arrangefurniture and equipment for convenience of use

(Move the table away from the bed with a distanceabout 20 centimeters);

3) Turnover the mattress(床垫);

4) Putthe bedding(褥子) on the mattress;

5) Placeclean bottom sheet on the mattress and unfold it, then make up the side next toyou (you can reference to the one in closed bed);

6) Accordingto the surgical site (position) or type of anesthesia,placerubber drewsheet and drawsheet(eg.We can put them on the head of the bed when the clientaccepted neck or chest surgery,change to the middleof the bed when abdomen should be treated, in addition to the client who havelegs surgery, we should put the sheets on the foot of the bed);

7) Putrubber drawsheet and drawsheetorderly on the middle of the bed, which has a distance about 45~55 centimetersto the head of the bed,then tuck them under themattress;

8) Putanother rubber drawsheet and drawsheetin sequence on the head of the bed,then tuck underthe mattress;

Attention: i)   Whenmaking up the top of drawsheet,align(对齐) it to the head of the bed.

ii)   Thetop of the sheets(No matter rubber drawsheet or drawsheets),should be on the sheets in the middle of thebed.

9) Moveto the other side of the bed,make up the rest of thesheets following the same way;

10)Change quilt cover;

11)Fold quilt:

i) Foldback twww.lindalemus.com/hushi/he foot of the quilt at first.

ii)  Pullthe quilt to the foot of the bed with a distance about 15 centimeters betweentop of quilt and the head of the bed.

iii) Foldthe far side of the quilt.

iv)GripOne third of the quilt which next to the nurse,foldit upward twice and,align it to the opposite side ofthe bed.

Rational: Tohelp the client who is in the gurney move to the bed easily.

12)Change Pillowcase and let it lean over the head ofthe bed,with the close end to door.

Rational: Toprevent the client’s head from being harmed in case of agitation sometime.

13开云app安装不了怎么办 )Return furniture to former position;

14)Place anesthesia treatment pan on the bedsidetable;

15)Wash your hands.


1) Tellthe difference between anesthesia bed and closed one.



iii)Way of folding quilt.

iv)Position of the pillowcase.

2) Thetop sheets should be on the sheets in the middle of the bed,tellthe reason.

i)Avoid slipping or rolling.

ii)Easy to change.

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