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【摘要】 目的 研究鹰嘴豆及豆芽与低剂量原钒酸钠联合使用的减毒、降糖作用。方法 以链脲佐菌素(streptozotocin, STZ)诱导形成糖尿病大鼠模型,鹰嘴豆及豆芽和原钒酸钠分别单独和联合服用4周,观察大鼠血糖和血脂等的变化。结果 与正常对照组比较,糖尿病组血糖升高了4倍,血浆胰岛素(insulin, INS)降低了57.63%,血浆脂质水平明显异常,肝肾功能明显受损。而分别单独和联合口服鹰嘴豆及豆芽和原钒酸钠4周后,糖尿病大鼠的上述指标均得到改善,其中以鹰嘴豆芽联合低剂量原钒酸钠(0.2?mg/mL)治疗组(D+Ps+V)效果最明显:血糖降低了72.24%(P<0.05);血浆胰岛素水平接近正常;血浆脂质水平、葡萄糖耐量、肝肾功能均得到改善。结论 鹰嘴豆及豆芽和原钒酸钠均能改善糖尿病大鼠高血糖的发展状况和血浆脂质水平的变化状况;鹰嘴豆芽与原钒酸钠联合应用疗效最佳,既降低了钒毒性又增强了两者的抗糖尿病作用。
【关键词】 原钒酸钠;鹰嘴豆;糖尿病;大鼠,Wistar
MAO Xueqin1,3, ZHANG Ling2, WANG Mengxin3, LIU Minying4, SUN Zhaofeng2,
ZHAO Xiaomin2, XIA Zuoli1,2, YANG Xiaoda5
(1. Institution of Physiology, School of Medicine, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China;
2. Institution of Life Science, Taishan Medical University, Taian 271000, Shandong, China;
3. Department of Psychology, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China;
4. Capital Office, West Campus, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China; 5. National Laboratory of Natural and
Biomimetic Drugs, Department of Chemical Biology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100083, China)医.学全.在.线网站www.lindalemus.com
To investigate the improved hypoglycemic effects of lowdosage sodiumorthovanadate (SOV), chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and chickpea embryos on experimental diabetes. Methods Streptozotocin (STZ)induced diabetic rats were used in this experiment. After oral administration of chickpea, chickpea embryos and SOV separately and in combination for 4 weeks, the blood glucose and lipid profile were determined. Results A single intravenous injection of STZ (45?mg/kg) caused a 4fold increase in the blood glucose level and 57.63% decrease in the serum insulin level. Levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol in serum markedly increased during diabetes. The hepatic and renal functions were heavily impaired during diabetes. Administration of SOV, chickpea and chickpea embryos separately or in combination inhibited development of hyperglycemia and alterations in the lipid profile in plasma. A low dose of SOV (0.2?mg/ml) combined with chickpea embryo a was most effective by decreasing the blood glucose by 72.24%, decreasing the improving glucose tolerance, and ameliorating the impaired hepatic and renal functions in diabetic rats. Conclusion SOV and chickpea are potential biological antidiabetic agents. Chickpea or chickpea embryos combined with lowdosage SOV (0.2?mg/ml) may enhance bioavailability by reducing SOV toxicity and improve the altered carbohydrate and lipid metabolism during experimental diabetes.