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摘要:急性胰腺炎是消化系统常见疾病,也是临床较常见的急腹症之一,随着人民生活水平的提高,其发病率在近几年来出现明显的增加的趋势。本文的论述主 要是为了探讨老年人急性胰腺炎的临床特点。分析26例老年人急性胰腺炎的临床特点,与同期其它年龄的胰腺炎病人做对照。老年人急性胰腺炎临床特点与其他年 龄组不同。老年人急性胰腺炎多病共存等特点比较突出医学全在线www.lindalemus.com,病情重,病死率高。因此,充分了解和掌握其特点,进行正确的诊断和治疗,对减少患者并发症,提高患者 生存率尤为重要。
Abstract:Acute pancreatitis is a common disease of digestive system and it is one of more common clinical acute abdomen.With the improvement of people's living standard,the incidence of acute pancreatitis in recent years increased in the apparent trend.This paper is mainly to discuss the clinical characteristics of senile acute pancreatitis.It is included that an analysis of 26 cases of elderly patients with acute pancreatitis clinical features and its ruslet of compared to other age pancreatitis patient controlled.The senile acute pancreatitis clinical features with other age groups is different, It’s more outstanding, severe illness than the other. Their multiple coexisting characteristics,and the most important the case fatality rate is high.Therefore, there are some points must be known well to fully understand and master its characteristic and the key of Correct diagnosis and treatment,then to us ,it’s the best way to reduce the complications in patients and improve the survival rate of the patients.
Key words: Pancreatitis;Aged;Clinical characteristics
【中图分类号】R576 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1674-7526(2012)12-0022-02
0 概述
胰腺是人体第二大消化腺体,是消化作用最强的器官。它所分泌的胰液是人体最重要的消化液。在正常情况下,胰液在其腺体组织中含有不活动即无活 性的胰酶原。胰液沿胰腺管道不断地经胆总管奥狄氏括约肌流入十二指肠,由于十二指肠内有胆汁存在医学全在线www.lindalemus.com,加上十二指肠壁粘膜分泌一种肠激酶,在二者的作用下,胰 酶原开始转变成活性很强的消化酶。如果流出道受阻,排泄不畅,即可引起胰腺炎。
胰腺炎一般情况下,胰管和胆管虽然都经过一条通道流入十二指肠,但由于胰管内的压力高于胆管内的压力,胆汁不会反流入胰管内。只有当奥狄氏括 约肌痉挛或胆管内压力升高,如结石,肿瘤阻塞,胆汁才会反流入胰管并进入胰腺组织,此时,胆汁内所含的卵磷脂被胰液内所含的卵磷脂酶A分解为溶血卵磷脂, 可对胰腺产生毒害作用。或者胆道感染时,细菌可释放出激酶将胰酶激活,同样可变成能损害和溶解胰腺组织的活性物质。这些物质将胰液中所含的胰酶原转化成胰 蛋白酶,此酶消化活性强,渗透入胰腺组织引起自身消化,亦可引起胰腺炎。