Nuclear Science and Techniques (NST) is a unique journal published in English in the field of nuclear research in China, under Chinese Nuclear Society with its editorial office in Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It was launched in 1990 and has been issued bimonthly since 2004. It has been playing a role of increasing importance to promote academic exchanges between nuclear scientists of China and other countries, and it has contributed quite a bit to the development of nuclear science and techniques and their applications in China.
NST reports scientific findings, technical advances and important results from nuclear science and techniques, either theoretical or experimental, of fundamental studies, applied studies, and interdisciplinary applications in material science, life science, earth science and environmental studies. NST encourages contributions from authors in all fields of nuclear science and techniques in the forms of reviews, articles, notes and communications. A special interest lies in the subjects of synchrotron radiation applications, beam line technology, low energy accelerator, ray technology and applications, radiochemistry and radiopharmaceuticals and nuclear medicine, and advanced nuclear instrumentation and detection, and nuclear, heavy ion and atomic physics as well.