Genetics and molecular biology of ISSN 1415-4757 (formerly REVISTABRASILEIRA de genetics / Brazil Journal of Genetics - ISSN 0100-8455) is aquarterly publication SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA de genetic (genetic society of Brazil)
Genetics and molecular biology in the first volume. 21, first, 1998 March,following its predecessor, which was published from 1978 to 19 am am 97 years,five, 1 and 20 day number sequence.
Genetics and molecular biology of contributions are taken into account, in theoriginal research results present in genetics, evolution and related disciplines.The manuscript display method, only the application, and the analysis of genetic data, will not be considered.
The magazine is referred to as the genetics. Mole. Journal of biology, should be in the bibliography, footnotes and bibliography and strip using.