Inflammation Research (IR) is an international journal which promptly publishes papers on all aspects of inflammation and related fields. Inflammation Research is the official journal of: The European Histamine Research Society (EHRS) The British Inflammation Research Association (BIRAs) The Inflammation Research Association (IRA) The Japanese Inflammation Society (JIS) The Canadian Inflammation Society (CIS) The types of papers published are original research papers short communications reviews commentaries selected reviewed society proceedings and meeting reports. In addition the journal publishes meeting reports letters opinions news of people policies and general information relating to the above fields of research and the societies active in these fields. Subject Coverage Histopathology immunological mechanisms gene expression mediators experimental models clinical investigations and the effects of drugs. Related fields are broadly defined and include for instance allergy and asthma shock pain joint damage skin disease as well as clinical trials of relevant drugs. Managing Editor and Editorial Office: Prof. M.J. Parnham PLIVA dd. Research Institute Prilaz baruna Filipovica 25 HR - 10000 Zagreb Croatia Tel.: ++385/1/378 1003 Fax: ++385/1/370 3175 e-mail: