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European journal of lipid science and technology

European journal of lipid science and technology
影响因子: 2.266
I S S N: 1438-7697 (印刷版) 1438-9312 (电子版)
出 版 社: Wiley-VCH
出 版 地: Weinheim, Germany
出版国家: Germany
刊  期: 月刊
创刊时间: 2000
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 一般,6-16周
中科院分区: 3
投稿命中率: 容易
国外数据库收录: IM
5年影响因子: 2.314
研究领域: 脂质
官方链接: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(IS...
投稿须知: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(IS...


The European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology is a print and electronic journal publishing articles in the field of lipid science and technology. The journal will consider articles with respect to scientific and geographical integration of the multifaceted European lipid science and technology spectrum. The journal is supported by the DGF - the German Society for Fat Science and will soon be assisted by the European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids (EFL). With the growing relevance of renewable resources lipids fats and oils will pay an increasingly important role in many aspects of science and technology. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Both have opened a wealth of possibilites for the production of tailormade industrial raw materials. These materials including those made from domestic plants can be produced in a manner protective of both environment and resources. Process Engineering in the Field of Oil Technology In spite of the fact that extracting oil from plants may well be one of mankind's oldest technical processes breakthroughs in process engineering have brought forth major improvements in the last few years. Nutrition and Food In nutritional science and the food branch emphasis is given to levels and composition of fatty acids and minor ingredients in food to optimize health requirements so as to combat vascular disease and obesity. Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation Modern analytical techniques such as capillary gas chromatography or silver-ion high performance liquid chromatography combined with different detection methods are mandatory for the unequivocal determination of geometrical and positional fatty acids isomeres. Chemistry and Physical Chemistry The range of applications of oils and fats stretches from detergents to plastics to cosmetics and pharmaceutical ingredients. Major progress is made here due to the important developments in chemistry and physical chemistr. Society Affiliation German Society for Fat Science (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaft e.V.) European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids (EFL) in near future Readers Food chemists hygienists producers of detergents cosmetics process engineers biotechnologists analysts.
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