Heart Rhythm is a unique journal that integrates the entire cardiac electrophysiology (EP) community from basic to clinical academic researchers, to private practitioners, engineers, allied professionals, industry, and trainees, all of whom are vital and interdependent members of our EP community. The Journal addresses a broad range of topics that affect our EP world. Our major focus is on original research and therapy of heart rhythm disorders, including mechanisms and electrophysiology, both clinical and experimental, genetics, ablation, devices, drugs, and surgery. Other sections include Contemporary and Historical Reviews, unique Case Reports, Viewpoints, Cell to Bedside, Hands On, Featured Arrhythmias, Images with videos viewable on the Internet, Pacing/ICD Problems, Creative Concepts, Humanism in Medicine, EP News, Editorial Commentaries, Basic/Clinical Implications, Historical Vignettes, and Ten Questions for Allied Professionals. As the Official Journal of the Heart Rhythm Society and the Cardiac Electrophysiology Society, we also publish the Plenary address and the Douglas P. Zipes Lecture given at the annual Scientific Sessions of the Heart Rhythm Society, as well as the Gordon K. Moe Lecture presented at the annual Cardiac Electrophysiology Society meeting.