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  • 从学科发展看中国烧伤医学特色

    汪仕良,WANG Shi-liang
  • 实践探索创新

    积水潭医院烧伤科,Burn Department of Jishuitan Hospital
  • 历经磨砺成利剑喜看老树结新花

    解放军总医院第一附属医院全军烧伤研究所,Institute of Burn Research of the First Hospital Affiliated to PLA General Hospital
  • 辉煌的历史灿烂的明天

    上海交通大学附属瑞金医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University
  • 埋头苦干厚积薄发

    第二军医大学长海医院全军烧伤研究所,Institute of Burn Research of Changhai Hospital Affiliated to the Second Military Medical University
  • 天津市临床优势学科

    天津市第四医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the Fourth Hospital of Tianjin
  • 模范军事医学烧伤科

    第三军医大学西南医院全军烧伤研究所,Institute of Burn Research of Southwest Hospital Affiliated to the Third Military Medical University
  • 耕耘沃土收获辉煌

    内蒙古医学院第三附属医院内蒙古烧伤研究所,Institute of Burn Research of the Third Hospital Affiliated to Inner Mongolia Medical College
  • 做不断超越自我的探索者

    解放军第二六四医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the 264th Hospital of PLA
  • 铺设应急事件的绿色通道

    山西省烧伤救治中心,Cure Center of Burns of Shanxi Province
  • 塞外煤城的健康使者

    解放军第三二二医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the 322th Hospital of PLA
  • 让自求恩精神发扬光大

    白求恩国际和平医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of Bethune International Peace Hospital
  • 变特殊专业为优势学科

    唐山工人医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of Tangshan Gongren Hospital
  • 坚持化学烧伤研究特色立足临床技术创新

    解放军第二五一医院全军烧伤中心,Burn Center of the 251th Hospital of PLA
  • 梅花香自苦寒来

    中国医科大学附属第一医院烧伤科,Burn Department of the First Hospital Affiliated to Chinese Medical University
  • 钢都知名专科冶金健康卫士

    鞍山市铁西医院烧伤整形研究所,Institute of Burns and Plastic Surgery of Tiexi Hospital of Anshan
  • 在奋斗中磨砺

    吉林市中心医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of Jilin Central Hospital
  • 行远必自迩追求无止境

    黑龙江省医院烧伤整复外科,Department of Plastic Surgery and Repair of Heilongjiang Province Hospital
  • 学习奋斗奉献发展

    哈尔滨市第五医院烧伤科,Burn Department of the Fifth Hospital of Harbin
  • 精医重德博爱奋进

    大庆油田总医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the General Hospital of Daqing Oilfield
  • 为了更多的患者微笑

    南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of Drum Tower Hospital Affiliated to the Medical School of Nanjing University
  • 德术并举患者至上

    南京医科大学第一附属医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University
  • 做敬业奉献的医者

    无锡市第三人民医院烧伤科,Burn Department of the Third People's Hospital of Wuxi
  • 继往开来再创辉煌

    安徽医科大学附属医院烧伤科,Burn Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Anhtti Medical University
  • 山东省医药卫生A级特色专科

    山东大学附属济南市中心医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of Jinan Central Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University
  • 团结创新的团队

    山东省立医院烧伤整形外科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of Shandong Provincial Hospital
  • 在奋斗中闪光的烧伤整形科

    济南军区总医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the General Hospital in Jinan Military Area Command
  • 以人为本求发展

    武警医学院附属医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the Affiliated Hospital of Armed Police Medical College
  • 蓬勃发展的烧伤救治团队

    天津市第一中心医院烧伤科,Burn Department of Tianjin First Central Hospital
  • 人有我优人优我特

    浙江大学医学院附属第二医院烧伤科,Burn Department of the Second Hospital Affiliated to the Medical School of Zhejiang University
  • 建患者信赖的烧伤医院

    南昌大学第一附属医院烧伤科,Burn Department of the First Hospital Affiliated to Nanchang University
  • 海西一隅任重道远

    福建医科大学附属协和医院福建省烧伤中心,Burn Center of the Union Hospital Affiliated to Fujian Medical University
  • 保障有力不辱使命

    解放军第一七五医院南京军区烧伤整形研究所,Institute of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the 175th Hospital of PLA in Nanjing Military Area Command
  • 传承湘雅经典凝练施治医术

    中南大学湘雅医院烧伤科,Burn Department of Xiangya Hospital Affiliated to Central South University
  • 花炮之乡的守护天使

    浏阳市人民医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the People's Hospital of Liuyang
  • 博取百家之长发展自身优势

    醴陵市中医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of TCM Hospital of Liling
  • 脚踏实地精心施治

    郴州市第一人民医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the First People's Hospital of Chenzhou
  • 励精图治勇攀高峰

    武汉市第三医院暨武汉大学同仁医院烧伤科,Burn Department of Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan University/Department of Burns of the No. 3 Hospital of Wuhan
  • 打造品牌质量立科创新增效

    荆州市第三人民医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the Third People's Hospital of Jingzhou
  • 在学习中成长在成长中学习

    黄石市第五医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the Fifth Hospital of Huangshi
  • 拓展优势回报社会

    郑州市第一人民医院烧伤科,Burn Department of the First People's Hospital in Zhengzhou
  • 从抢救小组走向全军中心的奋斗历程

    解放军第一五九医院全军烧伤中心,Burn Center of the 159th Hospital of PLA
  • 瞄准目标——起跳

    河南科技大学第一附属医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the First Hospital Affiliated to Henan Technology University
  • 开展层流洁净技术有效防治烧伤感染

    广东省人民医院烧伤科,Burn Department of the People's Hospital of Guangdong Province
  • 立足南国传承发展

    中山大学附属第一医院烧伤科,Burn Department of the First Hospital Affiliated to Sun Yatsen University
  • 创建学科医疗新特色

    南方医科大学南方医院烧伤科,Burn Department of Nanfang Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University
  • 让烧伤患者靓起来

    贵阳医学院附属医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang Medical College
  • 借我所长造福一方

    解放军第一八七医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the 187th Hospital of PLA
  • 五十年的足迹

    成都市第二人民医院烧伤科,Burn Department of the Second People's Hospital of Chengdu
  • 救死扶伤——我们的天职

    四川大学华西医院整形烧伤科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of Huaxi Hospital Affiliated to Sichuan University
  • 发展中的云南省烧伤专业

    昆明医学院第二附属医院烧伤科,Burn Department of the Second Hospital Affiliated to Kunming Medical College
  • 求实创新发展

    解放军第五十九中心医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the 59th Central Hospital of PLA
  • 厚土为基添砖瓦

    第四军医大学西京医院全军烧伤中心,Burn Center of Xijing Hospital Affiliated to the Fourth Military Medical University
  • 努力打造专科品牌

    甘肃省人民医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the People's Hospital of Gansu Province
  • 强化优势服务军民

    兰州军区兰州总医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic 论文QQ81995535  Surgery of Lanzhou General Hospital in Lanzhou Military Area Command
  • 为医术注入仁爱

    宁夏医学院附属医院烧伤整形美容科,Department of Burns and Cosmetic Surgery of the Affiliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical College
  • 创新撑起一片天

    宁夏医学院附属石嘴山市第一人民医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the First People's Hospital of Shizuishan Municipality Affiliated to Ningxia Medical College
  • 立足青海打造高原特色

    青海大学附属医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University
  • 雪莲盛开在天山

    兰州军区乌鲁木齐总医院烧伤整形科,Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of Urumchi General Hospital in Lanzhou Military Area Command
  • 发展优势服务边陲

    新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院烧伤科,Burn Department of the People's Hospital of XinJiang Uighur Autonomous Region
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