英文题名 | Discrimination of Acupoint of Jiaji
个人著者 | 黄建军
团体著者 | |
第一著者单位 | 北京 北京中医药大学针灸学院 100029
第一著者地址 | 北京
出处 | 针灸临床杂志.-2003,19(8) 11-12
中文文摘 | 对名为夹脊穴的4穴及与之相混淆的肘椎穴进行了辨析,阐述了各穴的出处、定位、主治的区别,提出针灸工具书、教科书等应规范腧穴的名称及定位,以免在交流时造成概念及应用上的混乱。
英文文摘 | Discrimination was made between four acupoints named as Jiaji and the point of Zhouzhui which was easily confused with Jiaji point. Differences between these points in source, location and indication were discussed. It is suggested that, to avoid confusion in concept and application, names and locations of these points should be standardized in reference book and texlbook.
文献类型 | 历史文献(PT);中文摘要;英文摘要
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主题词 | 穴位研究/历史;穴,夹脊;《肘后方》;《内经》;考证;中国
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医学史 | 医学史,古代 (公元500年以前);医学史,战国 (475-221 B.C.);医学史,秦朝(221-207 B.C);医学史,汉朝(206 B.C -220 A.D);医学史,晋朝(265-420 A.D)
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分类号 | R224; R224.2; R2-52; R2
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中药药理作用 | |
西药药理作用 |