英文题名 | An Investigation into the Reason for Banning Acupuncture andMoxibustion from Imperial Medical Academy by Emperor Dao-Guang
个人著者 | 马堪温
团体著者 | |
第一著者单位 | 英国伦敦大学学院维尔康基金会医史研究中心
第一著者地址 | 英国
出处 | 上海中医药杂志.-2002,36(4) 38-40
中文文摘 | 针灸自古为临床常用的治病方法,亦被皇室和太医院采用。然而,清朝道光帝
英文文摘 | Since ancient time, acupuncture and moxibustion have been popular among the broad masses of the Chinese people. They had also been accepted by upper class officials as well as the imperial court. However, they were banned from the Imperial Medical Academy by Emperor Dao-Guang in the year 1822, despite the experience of his predecessors who had benefited from acupuncture and moxibustion. There are to date no explanations for this event. After consulting related historical documents on the situation of the Qing monarchy, the author has found that very possibly the reason for the Empero's action was concern for his personal safety.
文献类型 | |
语种 | 中文
主题词 | 针灸疗法/发展趋势;考证;针灸学/历史;太医院/历史;禁忌/历史;针灸学/组织和管理;太医院/组织和管理;安全管理/历史;人种群/心理学
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医学史 | 医学史,清朝(1644-1911 A.D);历史文献
资助类别 | |
主题姓名 | 道光皇帝
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关键词 | 针灸疗法; 道光皇帝; 清代朝廷; 太医院; 考证
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