英文题名 | Discussion on Jiedan reinforcing and reducing manipulations of YANG Ji-zhou
个人著者 | 朱勇, 盛燮荪(指导)
团体著者 | |
第一著者单位 | 浙江 嘉兴市第一医院 314000
第一著者地址 | 浙江
出处 | 针灸临床杂志.-2003,19(11) 1-2
中文文摘 | 截担,医家多认为是配穴法。笔者据《针灸大成》及临床运用,认为杨继洲截担针法是一种针刺补泻手法。其操作方法是由呼吸、燃捻、九六、针芒以及“三才法”等基本手法所组成。天人地三部均须候气针沉,每部均捻九(六)撅九(六),以及用“推进一豆许”“退针一豆”以利经气运行,最后均在人部“纳气”以候针下之凉感、热感。
英文文摘 | Jiedan was served as methods for combined use of acupoints by many doctors. Based on clinical application and studing acupuncture and moxibustion integration, the method was served as reinforcing and reducing manipulations. It was consist of breath, kindle and rotation, nine and six, Shancai, et al. Its subsequence was waiting for acupuncture sensation, nine rotation and six kindle, driving, withdraw, et al.
文献类型 | 历史文献(PT);中文摘要;英文摘要
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主题词 | 针刺补泻/历史;《针灸大成》;医学家;中国
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医学史 | 医学史,17世纪;医学史,明朝(1368-1644 A.D);医学史,中世纪(公元500-1450);医学史,早期近代(1451-1600 A.D.);医学史,15世纪;医学史,16世纪
资助类别 | |
主题姓名 | 杨继洲
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分类号 | R245.3; R2-52; R2
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