英文题名 | Contributions of YANG Ji-zhou to moxibustion methods
个人著者 | 高希言, 马巧琳
团体著者 | |
第一著者单位 | 河南中医学院针灸推拿学院 郑州 450008
第一著者地址 | 河南中医学院针灸推拿学院
出处 | 中国针灸.-2006,26(6) 451-453
中文文摘 | 明代著名针灸学家杨继洲,不仅是针刺手法的大家,也是灸治的名家,对灸法认识独到而深刻,其贡献主要有3个方面:①大量收录各家灸法和治验,博采众家之长,广集明以前灸法之大成.②结合临床经验,对揣穴与体位、施术先后、艾炷大小、壮数多少、点艾火、发灸疮等技术问题进行系统整理,形成较为系统的操作规范.③创新形成杨氏临床灸疗特色,即取穴贵精,以疏通经气;用灸在活,能常中达变;灸必有验,当把握时机;针灸、药物宜结合使用;灸后调摄以巩固疗效.
英文文摘 | YANG Ji-zhou, a famous scientist of acupuncture and moxibustion in the Ming Dynasty. He was a great master not only in manipulation methods of acupuncture, but also in moxibustion therapy, with unique and profound deep cognition. His main contributions include the three aspects: ①collected a great deal of methods and experience of moxibustion treatment from moxibustion physicians and gathered and mustered a great works about
moxibustion methods before the Ming Dynasty; ②combined with his own clinical experiences, systematized the methods and techniques of moxibustion, including the relationship between posture and point-fathoming, the treatment orders, the size of moxa cone, the number of moxa cones, the techniques of burning moxa, the methods for vesiculation moxibustion, etc. forming a more systematic manipulation standard; ③invented and formed YANG's characteristics of clinical moxibustion treatment, i. e selecting a few points to dredge the meridian-qi, grasping opportunity of moxibustion, combining acupuncture and moxibustion with medicine, and consolidating the therapeutic effect by proper diet after treatment.
文献类型 | 历史文献(PT)
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主题词 | 灸法;《针灸大成》;医学家;针灸学/历史
特征词 | 人类
医学史 | 医学史,明朝(1368-1644 A.D)
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主题姓名 | 杨继洲
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中药药理作用 | |
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