"Death by Modern Medicine" is the winner of the 2006 Independent Publisher Book Awards, Most Progressive Health book.
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"Death by Modern Medicine" was written by Dr. Carolyn Dean MD, ND, and Trueman Tuck, Rights Advocate, and goes far beyond the statistics of deaths due to drugs. It shows how the allopathic medical monopoly has created a Health Care system that fails to encourage good health, especially by prevention.
"Death by Modern Medicine"documents the tales of propaganda, health care bureaucracy, and thefocus on profits instead of healing. It shows, statistically, that thenumber 1 killer in North America, is in fact, one of the most heavilyregulated products, services and facilities industry in North America -The Allopathic Medical Disease Industry.
YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT "THEY" WANT YOU SICK AND DYING EXPENSIVELY. Youwill find, in this 400 plus page book, the starting steps tounderstanding the difference between a "profit from disease" healthcare focused business and a patient centered health care system.
"Death by Modern Medicine"provides the evidence from the "Allopathic Investment Industrys" owndata that the worst "Pandemic" in modern times is deliberately not onlycreated, but also perpetuated by the "Allopathic Disease InvestmentIndustry " interests, AND by government and public sector unions.
Dr. Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor, naturopathic doctor, herbalist, acupuncturist, nutritionist, and the author of over 12 books. She is a powerful health activist fighting for our collective health freedom. Dr. Dean’s work on “Death by Medicine” stunned the health community and propelled her into greater advocacy regarding the abuse of medications, the suppression of dietary supplements, and the medical monopoly. Dr. Dean feels that being informed is the first step toward solving our current health care crisis.
Read more about Carolyn Dean MD, ND | | |
Trueman Tuck is a legal and political rights advocate and has been instrumental in creating activists groups such as Friends of Freedom, Alliance of Natural Health Suppliers,, Freedom of Choice in Health Care and Live Longer Educational Foundation. Trueman also operates a non-lawyer, legal services firm: Tuck"s Professional Services. Trueman has also been involved in the natural health industry as a marketing and management consultant, trainer, and entrepreneur for over 30 years. Trueman and his wife Yvonne currently operate Tuck"s Discount Vitamins and CuresNaturally Wholesale in Canada and Tuck"s Discount Vitamins USA and CuresNaturally in the U.S.A. Trueman publishes the Health Freedom Advocate and A Different Viewpoint, a weekly e-column that is sent out to over 160,000 people globally.