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来源:本站原创 更新:2008/6/25 字体:

•in inverse proportion of[与…成反比]
•in large [大规模的]
•in nature [本质上]
•in no case[决不]
•in no time[立刻]
•in one word[总之]
•in operation[在运转中]
•in order[有条理]
•in other words[换言之]
•in place[在场]
•in principle[原则上]
•in progress[在进展中]
•in proper (definite,right) proportion[按适当(一定,适宜)的比例]
•in prospect[在期望中]
•in pubilc[公开地]
•in question[议论中的]
•in ratio of…to[按……和……的比例]
•in (with) reference to[关于]
•in (with) regard to[关于]
•in respect to (of)[关于]
•in reverse[相反]
•in review[在检查中]
•in search of[寻求]
•in short[简单地]
•in situ[就位]
•in so far as…goes[就……所及的范围]
•in spite of[尽管]
•in stock[备有]
•in succession[连续]
•in substance[实质上]
•in summary[总之]
•in terms of[根据(用……话来说)]
•in the absence of[缺少……时]
•in the case of[在……情况下]
•in the end[最后]
•in the event of[万一]
•in the first place[首先]
•in the following[在下文中]
•in the long run[从长远来看]
•in the name of[以……名义(代表)]
•in the original[用原文]
•in (good) time[及时]
•in truth[实际上]
•in turn[依次]
•in vain[无益]
•in virtue of[由于]
•inferior to[次于]
•instead of[代替]
•inversely proportional to[与……成反比]
•involved with[涉及]
•irrespective of[不顾]
•it(so) happened that[偶然]
•it is out of the question[这是不可能的]
•it makes no matter that[无关紧要]
•it matters little[无关紧要]
•it matters much[事关紧要]
•it occurred to(…) that[想到]
•judging from[由…推测]
•just as it is[照原样]
•just now[刚才]
•just so[正是如此]
•just then[正在那时]
•keep a record[记录]
•keep an eye on[注意]
•keep …from (+ing)[使…不]
•keep …in mind[记住]
•keep …in good order[保持……正常运转]
•keep off [防止……接近]
•keep on (+ing) [继续(……)]
•keep pace with[跟上]
•keep to the point[抓住要点]
•keep up with[跟上]
•known as [被称为]
•lack of[缺乏]
•lag behind[落后]
•lay a basis for[为……打基础]
•lay down[放下(制订)]
•lay emphasis on(upon) [强调]
•lay hold of (on)[抓住(利用)]
•lead to[导致]
•leave room for[留下……的余地]
•let alone[更不用说……了]
•lie down[躺下]
•lie in[在于]
•live on (by )[以……为生(为食)]
•long for (after)[渴望]
•look after[照管]
•look back to[回顾]
•look for[寻找]
•look into[调查]
•look like[看来象]
•look out [当心]
•look upon……as[把……看作]
•lose sight of[忽略(看不见)]
•lots of[许多]
•made after[摹仿]
•made from [由……制成]
•make a compromise[折衷]
•make application for[应用于]
•make certain[弄明白]
•make contributions to[对……作出贡献]
•make light of[轻视]
•make little of[不重视]医学全在.线提供
•make much of[重视]
•make notes (a note) of[作……笔记]
•make progress[取得进步]
•make sure[弄清楚]
•make up[组成(捏造)]
•make up for[补偿]
•make up one`s mind[下定决心]
•make use of[利用]
•meet the needs of[满足……的需要]
•mistake……for [把……误认为]
•more than once[不止一次]
•most of all[首先]
•name ……after[以……命名]
•named in honour of[为纪念……而命名]
•needless to say[用不着说的]
•never mind[没关系]
•next to[次于]
•no……at all[一点也没有]
•no doubt[无疑]
•no longer[不再]
•no matter[不要紧]
•not……at all[毫不]
•not to mention (say)[不用说(更不必说)]
•nothing but[仅是(不过是)]
•null and void[无效]
•object to[反对]
•of no effect[无效]
•on account of[因为]
•on behalf of[以……名义]
•on duty[值日]
•on purpose[故意]
•on sale[出售]
•on schedule[准时(按预定计划)]
•on the contrary[反之]
•on the ground that[基于]
•on the one hand[一方面]
•on the other hand[另一方面]
•on the spot[就地]
•on the subject of[关于……问题]
•on the whole[大体上]
•on time[准时]
•on trial[试用中]
•one another[相互]
•one by one[逐一]
•or so [大约]
•out of balance[不平衡]
•out of control[失去控制]
•out of danger[脱险]
•out of date[不合时宜的]
•out of proportion to[与……不成比例]
•out of question[无疑地]
•owing to[由于(因为)]
•participate in[参与]
•pass away[去世]
•pass over[渡过]
•pay attention to[重视(注意)]
•penetrate into[贯穿]
•persist in[坚持]
•pick out [挑选]
•place an order for[订购]
•place emphasis (stress) on[强调]
•place reliance (confidence) on[信赖]
•play a part(role) in [在……中起作用]
•point of view[观点]
•pour out [倒出]
•prevent…from (+ing)[阻止……]
•prior to[在……以前]
•project …… on(into)[把……投射到]
•put down[放下(记下)]
•put emphasis on(upon)[强调]
•put forward [提出(促进)]
•put…into operation(production)[把……投入生产]
•put…into effect[实现]
•put…into practice[使……付诸实践]
•put…into service[使……交付使用]
•put off[拖延(推迟)]
•put on[穿上]
•put … on trial[对……进行试验]
•put one`s faith in[相信]
•put……through [实行]
•put to use[利用]
•put up [提出(贴出)]
•put up with[忍住]
•quite a few(a little)[好几个]
•rank with[与……并列]
•react on (upon) [对……起反应]
•react to[对……有反应]
•ready for[准备好]
•reason out[解释清]
•reckon on(upon)[期望]
•reckon up[合计]
•refer to [涉及]
•refer to …as [把……称作]
•regardless of[不顾]
•relevant to[与……有关]
•relieve……from(of )[使……解除]
•rely on (upon)[依靠(信赖)]
•remind ……of[使……想起]
•research into[调查]
•resistant to[耐……的]
•responsible for[对……负责]
•rest on (upon) [依靠]
•result from[起因于]
•result in[导致]
•rich in[富于]
•right away[立即]
•round about[各方面]
•rule out[消除(排除)]
•run after[追寻]
•run into[流入]

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Chinese Herb:Dianthus(瞿麦)
Chinese Herb:Wild Chrysanthemum(野菊花)
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