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来源:医学全在线 更新:2008/9/28 字体:


行针与得气 Manipulations and Arrival of Qi.



Manipulation here refers to the methods of needling to induce need sensation.
The Arrival of Qi refers to the sensation of soreness, numbness of a distending feeling around the point when the needle is inserted to a certain depth. At the same time, the operate may feel tightness around the needle.


① 提插法:针尖刺入一定深度后,将针从深层提到浅层为提,再从浅层插向深层为插,如此反复上下提插,称为提插法。一般来说,提插幅度大而且频率快的,刺激量就大,提插幅度小而频率慢的,刺激量就小。


(1)The Fundamental Manipulation Techniques
①Lifting and Thrusting
The so-called lifting and thrusting is conducted by lifting the needle to a superficial layer after the needle is inserted to a desired depth, then thrust the needle to a deep layer, which is repeatedly performed as required. Generally, lifting and thrusting in a large degree and high frequency may induce a strong stimulation, and in a small degree and low frequency lead to a weak stimulation.


② 捻转法:针尖刺入一定深度后,将针左右来回捻动,反复多次,这种行针手法,称为捻转法。捻转的幅度一般在180度-360度左右,不可单向捻转,以免造成肌纤维缠住针身而产生疼痛和行针困难。

②Twirling or Rotating
After the needle is inserted to a desired depth, twirl and rotate the needle clockwise and counter-clockwise continuously. Generally, the needle is rotated with an amplitude from 180 to 360 Rotating clockwise or counter-clockwise alone may twine the muscle fibers and produce pain and difficulty in further manipulation.




(2)The Supplementary Manipulation Techniques
In the process of acupuncture, no matter what manipulation it is, the arrival of Qi must be achieved. When there is no needling reaction, or the arrival of Qi is not apparent after needle is inserted, manipulations for promoting the Qi should be conducted. In clinic, following six kinds of techniques are commonly applied.




Slightly press the skin along the course of the meridian, the point of which is punctured without sensation, for encouraging the movement or Qi in the meridian, It is used in patients who suffer Qi stagnation or whose needling sensation is delayed.


② 飞法:操作时以捻转为主,连续捻转3次,然后拇指立即张开,如飞鸟展翼之状,反复数次,可催气,并使针感增强。


Twirl the needle several times, and then suddenly separate the thumb and the index finger from it (the movement of the fingers looks like the birds wing waving) until the needling sensation is strengthened.线网站www.med126.com


③ 刮柄法:毫针刺入一定深度后,用拇指抵住针尾,以食指或中指的指甲刮动针柄;或用食、中指抵住针尾,以指甲刮动针柄,以加强针感和促进针感的扩散。


The thumb (the index finger or the middle finger)of the right hand is placed on the tail end to keep the needle steady, scrape the handle with the nail of the index finger (the middle finger or the thumb) of the right hand upward or downward for strengthening the needing sensation and promoting the dispersion of the sensation.


④ 弹柄法:用手指轻弹针尾,使针体微微震动以增强针感。用于留针过程中需稍加刺激者。


Pluck the handle of the needle lightly, causing it to tremble for the enhancement of the stimulation. It is used for the treatment which needs restimulating slightly during retention of the needles.


⑤ 摇柄法:手持针柄进行摇动如摇橹或辘轳之状。若直立针身而摇,多自深而浅,随摇随提,用以出针泻邪。若卧针斜刺或平刺而摇,一左一右,不进不退,如青龙摆尾,可以促使针感向一定方向传导。


Hold the handle of the needle and shake the needle as the movement of a scull. For the purpose of reducing, shaking is combined with lifting at the withdrawl of the needle in perpendicular insertion. For the needles obliquely or transversely inserted, shake the needle by moving the handle left and right, but the needle body inside the point is kept at the same place. It is used to push the needling sensation in certain direction.



Hold the needle with the fingers of the right hand and apply quick lift-thrust or twirl movement in a small amplitude to cause vibration. It is for promoting the arrival of Qi or strengthening the needling sensation.
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