马 晓,郭照江 (第四军医大学社科部,陕西 西安 710032)
〔摘 要〕医患关系是医学伦理学的经典命题。不同文化背景、不同的政治经济制度、不同的卫生保健体制下的医患关系必然存在差异。通过比较,了解差异,有助于形成相互补充、相互借鉴的思路和认识。本文正是基于此,选取现代医疗保健制度这一背景,探讨中英医患关系的差异。
〔关键词〕 医疗保健制度;医患关系;差异
〔中图分类号〕R - 05 ,R192. 3
〔文献标识码〕A 〔文章编号〕1001 - 8565(2002) 02 - 0023 - 03
The Comparative Study of Doctor - Patient Relationship between China and Britain under the Background of Modern Health Care System MA Xiao , GUO Zhaojiang
( Department of Social Science , Fourth Military Medical University , Xi’an ,710032 , China)
Abstract : The study of relationship between Doctor and Patient is a classical one in the field of medical ethics. Dif2
ferent countries have different cultures , national mentalities , social systems and health care systems. Therefore , the Doc2
tor - Patient relationship differs. Knowing the differences , we can use for references. Based on this , the paper did a
comparative research between China and Britain under the background of modern health care system.
Keywords : Health Care System; Doctor - Patient Relationship ; Differences