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更新时间:2006/9/4 医学考研论坛 在线题库 评论
医院愿景: 让人民放心就医,满意康复,延年益寿      让员工成就事业,享受工作,幸福生活      两江环抱,山水相依;樟林叠翠,四季花开;泸州医学院附属医院 位于川、颠、黔三省一市结合部,座落在四川省泸州市风景秀丽的忠山之麓,服务人口达1000多万。医院前身为川南医院,自1950年建院以来,她伴随着共和国

医院愿景: 让人民放心就医,满意康复,延年益寿

  两江环抱,山水相依;樟林叠翠,四季花开;泸州医学院附属医院 位于川、颠、黔三省一市结合部,座落在四川省泸州市风景秀丽的忠山之麓,服务人口达1000多万。医院前身为川南医院,自1950年建院以来,她伴随着共和国成长的脚步,由小变大,由弱变强,现已发展成为占地面积14万平米,编制床位900张,实际开放床位1000张;设有临床、医技科室60个,年门诊人次60多万,收治住院病人4万多人次,集医疗、教学、科研、预防和康复为一体的大型综合性教学医院。是国家三级甲等医院、国家爱婴医院、卫生部国际紧急救援中心网络医院、四川十佳城市医院、文明医院、优秀附属医院。
  医院坚持走“科技兴院、人才强院”战略,以加强重点学科建设为契机,重点引进培养一批有影响力、号召力的学科带头人,打造行业认可、群众信赖的知名专家。医院近1500名职工中,专业技术人员 近1200多人;其中有正、副教授300余人;拥有博士20余人,硕士150余人;硕士研究生导师近70人,有近10余名专家享受国家政府特殊津贴。医院坚持“重点突出、以点带面、全面推进”的工作思路,大力推进科学研究,建立了四川省狂犬病治疗研究中心、心血管病研究所、分子生物学等研究室。近5年,医院承担各级科研课题300多项,获国家、部、省和市级科技成果奖100余项,获专利近20项。医院不断加强国际、国内间技术交流与合作,与日本、美国、德国、俄罗斯等国建立了稳定学术往来和友好合作关系。

  The introduction of The Affiliated Hospital of Luzhou Medical College
  The Affiliated Hospital locates in Luzhou city, which is a beautiful city in Sichuan province, the Yangzi River and Tuo River merge here and the area is among the Sichuan, Chongqing and Guizhou provinces. It serves for almost ten million people in local area. The hospital was built in 1950, which was named as"Southern Sichuan hospital"at that time, and after then it developed very fast. Now the hospital occupies 140,000 square meters and there are 1,000 staff beds and 60 departments in the hospital, and 5,000,000 outpatients and 30,000 inpatients are treated every year. It becomes a polyclinic center with medical treatment, teaching, research, prophylaxis and rehabilitation, and it was honored as "National AAA hospital","National children care hospital","International emergency succor hospital of Chinese Health Ministry","The top ten hospital of Sichuan province","The excellent affiliated hospital".
  We dedicate to develop and use modern technology to treat our patients to increase our competition power, and become an international hospital in the future. Base on the excellent treatment we did such as: reconstruction the mutilated limb, cardiology surgery, organ transplantation, mini-invasive surgery, interventional cardiology, artificial liver, we first separated a pair of Siamese twins in Sichuan province, and we perform abstention surgery to cure drug abuser recently. The department of cardiology, the department of infection disease and the department of vascular surgery become the "Pivot department of Sichuan province", along with other departments such as: the department of cardiology surgery, the department of neurology, the department of neurosurgery, the department of hepatbiliary surgery, the department of pediatric, the department of cancer and the department of digestion, they construct the cornerstone of our hospital and get the high praise in southern Sichuan.
  We pursue the "technology prevail hospital, expert develop hospital" strategy, increase the investment to develop the pivot departments, and introduce or foster the high-influencing experts in China. Now we have 1,500 employees in our hospital, and 1,200 of them are staffs, and there is 300 professor or associate professor; we have 18 staffs with M.D. & PhD degree and 109 with master degree. There are almost 70 graduate student supervisors in the hospital and 20 experts got the government award for their excellent work. Besides the clinical work, we emphasize the basis research as well. We built the rabies research center, cardiology research institute, and molecular lab, and we got almost 300 grants, 100 awards and 20 patents in recent 5 years. We increase the international exchange with Japan, US, Germany, Russia, etc, and develop the friendly co-operation relationship.
  We put the human on the first position and we care the patient from the tiny details. We understand the employee is our core of competition, encourage them to become an excellent doctor or nurse. We construct and perfect the intranet and data base system in our hospital to manage the hospital scientifically.
  The hospital introduce the high-tech facility continually and now there are MRI, ECT, accelerator, CT, DSA, colorful ultrasound, automatically biochemical analyzer, etc, which cost almost 150,000,000 Yuan. It constructs the basis of the high quality medical treatment.
Our wishes are: Let the patients trust our treatment, recover satisfactorily and live longer; Let the employee fulfill their careers, enjoy works and live happily.
  Every employee in our hospital dedicate to serve the people and struggle to make our hospital as a"internationalized technology, humanized service, scientific management, garden environment, modernized facility" hospital in the future.

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