1. Zhu W., Umegaki H., Yoshimura J, Tamaya N, Suzuki Y, Miura H, Iguchi A. The elevation of plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone and expression of c-Fos in hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus by microinjection of neostigmine into the hippocampus in rats: comparison with acute stress responses. Brain Research 2001,23;892(2):391-395.
2. Zhu W., Umegaki H., Suzuki Y, Miura H, Iguchi A. Involvement of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in hippocampal cholinergic system-mediated activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis in rats. Brain Research 2001,19;916(1-2):101-106.
3. Zhu W., Umegaki H., Shinkai T., Kurotani S., Suzuki Y., Endo H., Iguchi A., Different glial reaction to hippocampal stab wounds in young adult and aged rats. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences. 2003,58A(2):117-122.
4. Umegaki H., Zhu W., Nakamura A., Suzuki U., Takada M., Endo H., Iguchi A., Involvement of the entorhinal cortex in the stress response to immobilization, but not to insulin-induced hypoglycemia, J. Neuroendocrinol. 2003,15(3):237-241.
5. Mori N,, Zhu W., Sone T., Miyamoto Y., Kadokawa Y., Ihara T., Wakao R., Roles of Shc Signaling in Oxidative Stress Response and Aging. J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr. 2003, 34, 71-78.
项目名称 |
项目来源 |
经费总额 |
起止年月 |
从老化脑看神经可塑性调节的分子基础 |
日本科技财团 |
276万元(日元) |
2002.4-2002.10 |
长寿基因Shc的细胞信号传导的分子遗传学研究 |
日本厚生省 |
104万元(日元) |
2002.11-2003.3 |
慢性应激和脑内细胞信号传导 |
浙江大学医学院 |
1万元(RMB) |
慢性应激对大鼠海马Fas和Fas配体蛋白表达的影响 |
浙江大学 |
3万元(RMB) |
柴胡加龙骨牡蛎汤干预心理应激大鼠的神经内分泌研究 |
浙江省中医药管理局 |
1万元(RMB) |
2003.9-2005.12 |