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更新时间:2007/7/9 医学考研论坛 在线题库 评论
一、历史沿革:      中山大学护理学院于1998年5月8日成立,是在原中山医科大学护理系和中山医科大学附设卫生学校的基础上组建的,是继北京协和医科大学、上海医科大学之后的全国第三所大学护理学院。中山医科大学护理系始建于1985年,是国内第一批、华南地区最早开展高等护理教育的学校。中山医科大学附设卫生学校于1953年成


Name of the School: School of Nursing, Sun Yat-sen University
The School of Nursing was established in 1998 on the base of the former Department of Nursing, Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences and the Affiliated Secondary Health School of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences. The former Department of Nursing was one of the first institutions to restore higher nursing education in China in 1983.
2. General Information
The School of Nursing is nationally recognized as one of the premiere nursing schools in the country, with a tri-fold mission of excellence in nursing education, research and practice. Currently, there are 20 academic faculties, including 10 associate professors and equivalent, 10 lecturers; 4 supervisors for post-graduate students.12 faculty members hold a master degree, three of them are studying for master’s degrees or doctoral degrees. Five teaching sections are structured under the School of Nursing, namely Fundamentals of Nursing, Medical Nursing, Surgical Nursing, Gynecological and Obstetric Nursing and Pediatric Nursing.
3. Academic Programs
      The School of Nursing offers 4 levels of higher nursing education, namely doctoral program, master’s program, bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) program both for entry level students and registered nurses, and advanced diploma program for registered nurses. In response to the changes in health care delivery system, and to be inline with the strategic direction of the university, we have vigorously reviewed and revised our existing undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum. The five years BSN program have changed to four years program since 1999. The three years master’s program have changed to two years program since 2003.
      Up to now, these programs have graduated 1561 students, and enrolled 1654 students currently. As the Chair institution for the advanced diploma program and BSN program in nursing (by self-learning) in Guangdong Province, more than 8000 students have completed the program and been awarded advanced diploma since 1994. About 10,000 graduates of the School provide leadership and excellence in patient care across the state. Our alumni have enhanced the reputation of the school through their intelligence, skill and invention.
      The School also offers many in-service educational programs, such as graduate diploma program, national and provincial continuing nursing education programs, nursing faculty training programs and entrostomological therapeutist training program. The continuing education program provides opportunities and resources for nurses with different educational and experiential backgrounds to maintain their knowledge, skills and competencies to meet the current and future need in nursing practice.
      The School of Nursing is dedicated to the pursuit of new knowledge. Faculty is known for their strong program of research on nursing education and management of chronic illness with particular emphasis on children and elderly populations. Over 20000000 RMB research funds were grated to the School of Nursing in the past several years. Over 180 papers were published in national referred journals. 15 scholarly books including book chapters were published. 
      The School of Nursing has been very active in academic exchanges and continual cooperation with prestigious universities in China (including Hong Kong and Macao), and those from the USA, Australia, Japan, and Korea, etc. The School of Nursing has established collaborative partnerships with those university schools of nursing. The School of Nursing has mutual agreements with the Department of Nursing Studies, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong, the School of Nursing at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the School of Nursing at University of Ballarat in Australia. The School of Nursing has 3 visiting professors from Hong Kong.
      The School of Nursing is proud of its team of faculty with academic rigor and excellence. Apart from senior faculty with rich experiences and remarkable achievements, many young faculties stand out with their outstanding performance in teaching and research. As the result of educational reform, the School of Nursing was awarded with the Prize for Excellent Teaching Outcome of the Baccalaureate Nursing Program, and awarded with Excellent Educational Baccalaureate Nursing Program by Guangdong Educational Bureau in 2005.
4. Contact Us
Tel: (86) 20 87331917       Fax: (86) 20 87333043
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