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更新时间:2012/5/11 医学考研论坛 在线题库 评论

6)W He, X Zhao, F Zhu and S Zhu. Waist Circumference Cutoffs for Identifying Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Chinese Adults. International Journal of Obesity. Abstract of the 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, May 21-24, 2011 Hangzhou, China.

7)X Zhao, X Fu, W He and S Zhu. Sleep Duration Associated with a Higher Risk of Metabolic Syndrome in Chinese Men. International Journal of Obesity. Abstract of the 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, May 21-24, 2011 Hangzhou, China.

8)S Zhu, W He, H Lu, S Gao, Z Wang. Waist circumference cutoffs for identifying metabolic risk factors in Chinese adults. Abstract of the 27thAnnual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society. Oct 25, 2009. Washington, DC.

9)H Lu, X Fu, W He, S Gao, Z Wang, SB Heymsfield, S Zhu. Trunk fat and metabolic risk factors: influence of ethnicity. Abstract for the 27thAnnual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society. Oct 25, 2009. Washington, DC.

10)X Fu, H Lu, W He, S Gao, Z Wang, S Zhu. Associations between body composition and bone density in Chinese adults. Abstract for the 27thAnnual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society. Oct 25, 2009. Washington, DC.

11)X Ma, P Laud, F Pintar, W Shen, J Kim, A Shih, D Allison, SB Heymsfield, S Zhu. Obesity and Non-fatal Injury in www.lindalemus.comMotor Vehicle Crashes. Abstract of the 27thAnnual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society. Oct 25, 2009. Washington, DC.

12)S Zhu, X Ma, P Laud, F Pintar, W Shen, J Kim, A Shih, SB Heymsfield, D Allison. Obesity and Regional Body Injury in Motor Vehicle Crashes. Abstract of the 27thAnnual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society. Oct 25, 2009. Washington, DC.

13)Z Wang, FX Pi-Sunyer, SB Heymsfield, S Zhu, C Zhao, RN Pierson. Soft-Tissue R Values in Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA): Validation by Human Elemental Composition. Abstract of the annual meeting of The Obesity Society (TOS), October, 2008 Arizona, US.

14)S Zhu, Z Wang, H Lu, C Shan, S Gao, W He, J Wang. Human body composition research in China. Abstract of the 8th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, July 9-12, 2008 New York, NY.

15)S Zhu, X Ma, W Shen, E McGinley, P Laud. Does body composition play a role in motor vehicle injury? Abstract of the 8th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, July 9-12, 2008 New York, NY.

16)R Hanrahan, S. Zhu, C Guse, P Layde, S Hargarten. The effect of driver age and contributing factors on injury www.lindalemus.comseverity amongst drivers involved in motor vehicle crashes in Wisconsin. 2007 National Injury Prevention and Control Conference (CDC), Oct 10-11, 2007 Columbus, OH.

17)K. Heng, A. Lee, KY Tham, S. Zhu, E Seow. Helmet use and bicycle-related trauma in patients presenting to an acute hospital in Singapore. Submitted to the 8th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. May 2006, South Africa.

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