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更新时间:2012/6/6 医学考研论坛 在线题库 评论

从1996年起先后领导创办卫生部中国循证医学中心、Chinese Cochrane Center(包括香港分中心)、循证医学教育部网上合作研究中心(包括12个已建成的分中心和8个在建分中心)、中国临床试验注册中心(获WHO和卫生部共同批准的WHO国际临床试验注册平台(WHO ICTRP)全球第四个、发展中国家第一个一级注册中心(Primary Register))及中国循证医学杂志和Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine,并任主任和主编。领导创办国内第一个循证医学(EBM)新兴交叉学科,最早招收EBM研究生。主编出版国内第一本《循证医学》规划教材和十一五规划教材(高等教育出版社,2003年、2009年出版)。先后负责CMB、AusAid、WHO、卫生部、药监局、科技部EBM研究、建设项目15项,经费930余万元。出版EBM专著、丛书、译著17部。近5年发表EBM文章SCI收录9篇(通讯作者7篇)、Medline收录5篇(通讯作者4篇)、EMBASE/俄罗斯文摘收录80余篇述评和论著(第一作者及通讯作者)。2002年获教育部科技进步二等奖、成都市科技进步一等奖。2007年获准国家级精品课程,2008年获中华医学三等奖。2009年获国家级优秀教学团队(均排名第一)和教育部教学成果二等奖(排名第二)。从2003年起,连续担任3届WHO基本药物目录评审委员会专家并参加评审;2007年1月起受聘为WHO药物评价咨询专家组专家,任期4年(2007.1-2011.12)。2001年创刊《中国循证医学杂志》,是全球第一本中文循证医学杂志,被Cochrane图书馆方法学组收录的全球5本杂志中唯一一本非英文杂志,国内临床综合类100杂志中位居第4。2008年与世界第二大图书出版公司联合创办英文版循证医学杂志(Journal of Evidence Based Medicine),与UK Cochrane中心主任共同担任主编,向全球公开发行,2010年年底先后被Medline、Embase收录。在国内最早开展循证药物评价、器械评价、新药评审、风险管理和药物经济学、基本药物筛选和制度建设的系列研究与探索,最早发表系列书稿、文章和研究报告。应邀参编我国第一本药物经济学指南,本科生教材,是中国药学会第一届“药物经济学委员会”委员和“药物临床评价委员会”委员。创办循证筛选基本药物、循证评价上市后药物、循证医学与新药审评、循证管理药物不良反应及汶川地震医疗救治中的药品管理和费用分析、中药疗效评价方法研究培训班和讲座。

1. L. Feng, Y. Guo, F. Cheng, S. Li, L. Wei, D. Long, Q. Li, and Y. Li。Effects of Pretreatment With Yisheng Injection on Renal Warm Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Mice. Transplant Proc, 2010; 42(10): 1545-1549.
2. Wei L, Lu J, Feng L, Long D, Shan J, Li S, Li Y. HIF-1alpha accumulation upregulates MICA and MICB expression on human cardiomyocytes and enhances NK cell cytotoxicity during hypoxia-reoxygenation. Life Sci. 2010, 87: 111-119.
3. Chuntao Zhang, Juan Shan, Jun Lu, Yuchuan Huang, Li Feng, Dan Long, Shengfu Li, Quansheng Li,Youping Li.  Rapamycin in combination with donor-specific CD4+CD25+Treg cells amplified in vitro might be realize the immune tolerance in clinical organ transplantation. Cellular Immunology 264 (2010) 111–113
4. Chuntao Zhang, Juan Shan, Jun Lu, Yuchuan Huang, Li Feng, Dan Long, Shengfu Li, Quansheng Li,Youping Li. Combination of rapamycin and IL-2 do not affect antigen presentation ability of rat B cell and could promote Tregs proliferation and inhibitory activity. Cellular Immunology 264 (2010) 180–185
5.  Xiao Z, Shan J, Li C, Luo L, Feng L, Lu J, Li S, Long D, Li Y. CrmA gene transfer rescued CsA-induced renal cell apoptosis in graft kidney. Cell Immunol. 2010;265(1):6-8.
6. Feng L, Pang L, Guo Y, Ke N, Li S, Wei L, Li Q, Li Y.  Hypoxia/reoxygenation up-regulates death receptor expression and enhances apoptosis in human biliary epithelial cells. Life Science. 2009,26; 85(9-10):401-407.
7. Huang Y, Shan J, Wang C, Ma J, Li D, Li L, Li SF, Li YP  Can ischemic preconditioning alone really protect organs from ischemia reperfusion injury in transplantation. Transplant Immunology. 2009, 20(3):127-131.
8. L. Feng, N. Ke, Z. Ye, Y. Guo, S. Li, Q. Li, and Y. Li. Expression of nkg2d and its ligand in mouse heart allografts may have a role in acute rejection. Trans proc, 2009; 41(10): 4332-4339.
9. Liang Wei, Jun Lu, Li Feng, Shengfu Li, Juan Shan, Youping Li*. Construction of recombinant adenovirus vector containing a modified gene that codes for human hypoxia-inducible factor-1<alpha> without oxygen-dependent degradation domain. Plasmid (SCI) 2010; 63(1):20-26.
10. Ke NW, Fen L, Xu L, Shan J, Lei JJ, Zhang CT, Li YP. B7-1 induces immunosuppression when expressed in cultured neonatal mice keratinocytes. Immunobiology 2009, 214: 653–663
11. Yuchuan Huang, Juan Shan, Shujuan Yang, Fuchang Zheng, Jungang Zhang, Youping Li*. Donor-specific regulatory T cells might be used to induce tolerance in solid organ transplantation. Medical hypotheses, 2008, 71(4):602-604.
12. Cheng F, Li Y*, Feng L, Li S. Effects of tetrandrine on ischemia/reperfusion injury in mouse liver. Transplant Proc. 2008;40(7):2163-6
13. Cheng F, Li Y*, Feng L, Li S. Hepatic stellate cell activation and hepatic fibrosis induced by ischemia/reperfusion injury.  Transplant Proc. 2008; 40(7):2167-70.
14. Feng L, Zhao N, Yao X, Sun X, Du L, Diao X, Li S, Li Y*. Histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate solution vs. University of Wisconsin solution for liver transplantation: a systematic review. Liver Transpl. 2007;13(8):1125-36.
15. Tang Y, Li YP*, Li JS, Zhang ZD, Han FH, Hu WM, Tian BL.Impact of portal versus systemic venous drainage on acute rejection of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation in pig.Transplantation. 2007 15;84(5):629-33.
16. Feng L, Cheng F, Ye Z, Li S, He Y, Yao X, Q Tang, Y Li*. The effect of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury on expression of RAE-1 and H60 in mice kidney. Transplant Proc 2006;38(7):2195-2198.
17. He Y, Li S, Feng L, Cheng F, Ye Z, Li Y*. Effect of cyclosporine on expression of MIC in human hepatocytes. Transplant Proc 2006; 38(7): 2231-2233.

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