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更新时间:2012/6/6 医学考研论坛 在线题库 评论

18. Ye Z, Feng L, Huang S, Li S, He Y, Li Y*. Expression of H60 on mice heart graft and influence of cyclosporine. Transplant Proc 2006; 38(7): 2168-2171.
19. Tan JY, Zhao N, Wu TX, Yang KH, Zhang JD, Tian JH, Liu YL, Wang KJ, Chen F, Li SF, Li YP*. Steroid withdrawal increases risk of acute rejection but reduces infection: a meta-analysis of 1681 cases in renal transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2006;38(7):2054-6.
20. Cao L, Li Y*, Cheng F, Li S, Long D. Hypoxia/reoxygenation up-regulated the expression of death receptor 5 and enhanced apoptosis in human hepatocyte line. Transplant Proc 2006; 38(7): 2207-2209.
21. Cheng F, Feng L, Li S, Tan J, Cao L, He Y, Z Ye, Y Li*. Yishen injection decreases the expression of H60 and RAE-1 genes in ischemic mice liver. Transplant Proc 2006; 38(7): 2210-2213.
22. Xiong W, Gao CJ, Lu XF, Cheng JQ, Li YP*. Prolonged cold preservation promotes the recipient's cell participating in neointima formation but delays the later graft arteriosclerosis in rat model. Transplant Proc. 2005 Jan-Feb; 37(1):312-5.
23. Jianjun Lei, Jingqiu Cheng, Youping Li*, Shengfu Li, Li Zhang. CD80, but not CD86, express on cultured murine keratinocyte stem cells Transplant Proc 2005; 37:289-291
24. Cheng F, Li YP*, Cheng JQ, Feng L, Li SF.The protective mechanism of Yisheng Injection against hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury in mice.World J Gastroenterol. 2004; 10(8): 1198-203.
25. L. Feng, Y. Xiong, F. Cheng, L. Zhang, S. Li and Y. Li*. Effect of ligustrazine on ischemia-reperfusion injury in murine kidney  Transplant Proc, 36( 7):1949-1951
26. Y Li, K Wang, J Cheng, F Li, Y Ma, Y Yang. Human-pig spleen transplantation leading to high level of chemerism. Transplant Proc 2000, 32: 1103-4
27. Y. Li, T Li, H Bu, J Cheng, Y Chen,Z Yang. Xenoantigenacity of Chinese neijiang pig-related to xenotransplantation. Transplant Proc. 2000, 32: 875-6
28. Li YP*, T Li, H Bu, JQ Cheng, YY Chen, Z Yang. Xenoantigenacity of Chinese Neijiang pig-related to xenotransplantation. Transplant Proc. 2000, 32(5): 875-6.
29. Luo L, Lu J, Wei L, Long D, Guo JY, Shan J, Li FS, Lu PY, Li PY, Feng L. The role of HIF-1 in up-regulating MICA expression on human renal proximal tubular epithelial cells during hypoxia/ reoxygenation. BMC Cell Biol. 2010;11(1):91
30. Zhang L, Li Y, Jiang H, Liu J, Zeng Y, Cheng J. Comparison of hepatic coagulant, fibrinolytic, and anticoagulant functions between Banna Minipig Inbred line and humans. Transplantation. 2005;79(9):1128-31.
31. S. Li, G. Feng, Y. Li, H. Bu, Y. Lu, Y. Yang. Direct peptide nucleic acid uptake in human dendritic cells. Transplantation Proceedings 2003, 35: 550-2
32. Lin Yan, Fen Lan, Zhen-Gang Wang, Youping Li*. Statins and myotoxicity. TRENDS in Pharmacological Science. 2003;24(3):113-114(影响因子=10.74)
33. Sun X, Chen X, Lin L, Zhou L, Ma T, Li X, Wang X, Peng K, Li Y*.Taxanes for advanced (metastatic and locally advanced) non-small cell lung cancer.The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2003
34. Xin Sun, Tao Ma, Xia Li, Qi Wang, Xia Zhang, Xinzu Chen, Youping Li*.Vinca alkaloid containing regimens for advanced breast cancer.The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2003
35. H. Zhang, Y. Li*, S. Li, K. Wang, J. Cheng.   The status of chimeric cells in human-to-pig spleen transplantation.  Transplantation Proceedings 2003, 35: 533-4
36. Hu weimin, Cheng jingqiu, Li youping*, Li shengfu, Lu xiaofeng and Wan lin.  Identification of the candidate genes associated with cellular rejection in pig-to-human xenotransplantation, Progress in natural science, 2002; 12(9):77-79。
37. 王坤杰,张海涛,李幼平,卢一平,魏强,李虹,杨宇如. 中国循证医学杂志2005,5(5):365-374
38. 鄢琳,曹立亚,雷建军,兰奋,李静,肖爱丽,邹燕,白雪,章渝,王超,张力文,李幼平*, 9种调血脂药物有效性及安全性评价. 中国循证医学杂志.2005,5(1):8-21
39. 邹燕,李幼平*,雷贞武.米非司酮配伍米索前列醇药物流产的安全性评价.中华妇产科杂志,2004,2004,4(1):39-42
40. 李幼平. 参与国际振兴医学科学行动,迎接21世纪医学科学挑战.中国循证医学杂志2004,4(18):437-438
41. 孙丁 李幼平* 冯曦兮 黄揩森 钟铃 甘靖 周荣 郑静 易岚 曾铮 税红 刘挺 易刚. 从SARS防治绩效对比研究各国公共卫生应急反应体系.中国循证医学杂志2004,4(17):402-409
42. 陶铁军 李幼平* 何林 孙丁 石应康 刘进 傅璟 胡娜 闵理 杨镜 谢启麟 洪雪丹 王莹.循证制定我国专科医师培养方案和考核标准初探。中国循证医学杂志2004,4(16):318-324
43. 张海涛,王坤杰,李幼平*,高励,刘瑾,蔡羽嘉. 肾移植术后骁悉与硫唑嘌呤抗排斥反应随机对照试验的系统评价. 中国循证医学杂志. 2004;4(13):79-91
44. 陶铁军,李幼平*,邝璞,王莉,熊鹰,蔡羽嘉. 临终医疗的卫生技术评估系列研究I. 围脑死亡期医疗服务的现状及费用分析.中国循证医学杂志2004,4(12): 29-35
45. 董碧蓉,曹立亚,周焱,徐英,兰奋,舒德芬,肖爱丽,常薪霞,杜坚宗,王惠,李幼平*. 8种血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂治疗高血压的临床疗效、安全性及成本效果评估.中国循证医学杂志2004,4(12):15-28
46.孙鑫,曹立亚,陈心足,兰奋,李夏,肖爱丽,马涛,李幼平*.四种抗变态反应药物的卫生技术评估的研究方案.中国循证医学杂志. 2003; 3(1): 35-40
47.邹燕,李幼平*,吕琳等.药物流产对再次妊娠影响的系统评价.中国循证医学杂志2003, 3(3):187-193.
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