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更新时间:2012/6/19 医学考研论坛 在线题库 评论

62. Shi J, Jiang Y, Liu X. Neuroprotective effects of Erigeron Breviscapus (vant) Hand-Mazz on NMDA-induced retinal neuron injury in the rats. Int J Ophthalmol. 2005; 5:859-63.
63. Cai C, Sun B, Liu X, Wang J, Li J, Han S, Wang N and Lu Q. RNA interference inhibits expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in human retinal pigment epithelial cells. Chin Med J. 2005; 118(22):1907-11.
64. 蔡春梅, 刘旭阳, 孙葆忱.RNA干扰治疗CNV. 国外医学眼科学分册2005,29:48-51.
65. 刘旭阳, 傅涛, 王宁利. Pax6基因与眼发育异常. 国外医学眼科学分册2004;28:217-220.
66. 石晶明,蒋幼芹,刘旭阳. N-甲基-D天门冬氨酸对大鼠视网膜损伤的形态学观察. 中南大学学报医学版. 2004;29(3):287-291.
67. 石晶明,蒋幼芹,刘旭阳. 灯盏细辛对NMDA所致大鼠视网膜神经元损伤的保护作用. 眼科学报. 2004;20(2):113-117.
68. 石晶明,蒋幼芹, 刘旭阳. N—甲基—D—天门冬氨酸对大鼠视网膜神经节细胞层神经元的损伤作用. 眼科研究 2003;21:471-474.
69. Liu X, Wu Z, Sheibani N, Brandt CR, Polansky JR, Kaufman PL. Low dose Latrunculin-A inhibits dexamethason-induced changes in the actin cytoskeleton and alters extracellular matrix protein expressionin cultured human trabecular meshwork cells. Experimental Eye Reseach. 2003; 77:181-88.
70. Liu X, Huang C, Cai S, Polansky JR, Kaufman PL, Brandt CR. Transformation of human trabecular meshwork cells with SV40 Tag alters promoter utilization. Current Eye Research. 2002; 25:347-53.
71. Filla M, Liu X, Nguyen T, Polansky JR, kaufman PL, Peter DP. In vitro localization of TIGR/MYOC in trabecular meshwork extracelluar matrix and binding to fibronectin. Invest Ophthalmol & Vis Sci. 2002; 43:151-61.
72. Liu X, Cai S, Glasser A, Volberg T, Polansky JR, Fauss DJ, Geiger B, Kaufman PL. Effect of H-7 on cultured human trabecular meshwork cells. Molecular Vision. 2001; 7:145-53.
73. 刘旭阳, 蒋幼芹. TIGR基因与青光眼. 国外医学眼科学分册2000; 23: 193-198.
74. Cai S, Liu X, Glasser A, Volberg T, Filla M, Geiger B, Kaufman PL. Effect of latrunculin-A on morphology and actin-associated adhesions of cultured human trabecular meshwork cells. Molecular Vision. 2000; 6:132-43.
75. Kaufman PL, Gabelt BT, Tian B, Liu X. Advances in glaucoma diagnosis and therapy for the next millennium: New drugs for trabecular and uveoscleral outflow. Seminars in Ophthalmology.1999;14:130-43.
76. Liu X, Brandt CR, Gabelt BT, Bryar PJ, Smith ME, Kaufman PL. Herpes simplex virus mediated gene transfer to primate ocular tissues. Experimental Eye Research. 1999;69: 385-95.
77. Hartzer MK, Cheng M, Liu X, Shastry BS. Localization of the Norrie disease gene mRNA by in situ hybridization. Brain Research Bulletin. 1999; 49: 355-8.
78. Pendergast SD, Trese MT, Liu X, Shastry BS. Study of the Norrie disease gene in 2 patients with bilateral persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous. Archives of Ophthalmology. 1998; 116: 381-2.
79. Shastry BS, Pendergast SD, Hartzer MK, Liu X, Trese MT. Identification of missense mutations in the Norrie disease gene associated with advanced retinopathy of prematurity. Archives of Ophthalmology. 1997; 115: 651-5.
80. Shastry BS, Liu X, Hejtmancik JF, Plager DA, Trese MT. Evidence for genetic heterogeneity in X-linked familial exudative vitreoretinopathy. Genomics.1997; 44: 247-8.
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