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作者:佚名  文章来源:上海交通大学  点击数  更新时间:2007/8/23 0:58:27  文章录入:凌林  责任编辑:凌云


  1. 病毒感染与肝癌发生的分子机理;
  2. 新型肝癌志物的研究;
  3. 传统医学在肝癌防治中的作用及机理

    1.Tu H, Kastin AJ, and Pan W.  CHR-R1 and CRH-R2 are both trafficking and signaling receptors for urocortin. Mol Endocrinol  Accepted
    2.Tu H, Kastin AJ, Tao Peng, Bjorbek C, Pan W. , Urocortin trafficking in cerebral microvessel endothelial cells. J Mol Neurosci. In press
    3.Pan W, Tu H, Kastin AJ. Differential BBB interactions of three ingestive peptides: obestatin, ghrelin, and adiponectin. Peptides, 2006, 27(4):911-916
    4.Pan W, Xiang X, Tu H, Kastin AJ. Cytokines interact with the blood-brain barrier. Chapter 11, pp247-264 in: The Blood-brain Barriers: From Ontogeny to Artificial Interfaces. Vol. I. Dermietzel R, Spray DC and Nedergaard M ed., Winheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2006.
    5.屠红,高海峰,马国豪,刘毅. 肝癌中乙型肝炎病毒整合位点的研究. 中华医学杂志, 2006, 86(18):1249-1252
    6.Ren N, Qin LX,Tu H, Liu XK, Zhang BH, Tang ZYThe prognostic value of circulating plasma DNA level and its allelic imbalance on chromosome 8p in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 2006,132(6):399-407
    7.屠红, 张 菁, 成伟中,等.中医药对乙型肝炎患者肝癌前期状态的干预研究. 世界华人消化杂志 2005,13(19) :2389-2391
    8.傅士龙,屠 红,张国玲,李子庭,高海峰.
    10.陈颢,陈震,屠 红,刘鲁明,于尔辛. C57/BL小鼠的血循环DNA的定量研究. 肿瘤,2005,25(5):427-429医学全.在线www.lindalemus.com
    11.张豪,孙桂菊,屠红,等.用cDNA微阵列技术研究HBVX基因与AFB1对HBVx转基因小鼠药物代谢酶基因表达谱的影响.肿瘤, 2005,25(2):128-131
    12.屠红,高海峰,傅士龙,等. 肿瘤患者循环DNA的定量研究. 中华肿瘤杂志, 2004,26(10):606-608
    13.高海峰,屠 红,肝癌中乙型肝炎病毒整合位点的分离鉴定. 中华肝脏病杂志2004, 12( 9):567-568
    14.高海峰,傅士龙,屠红,等.卵巢癌患者血清DNA BRCA1/TP53基因杂合性丢失的研究. 肿瘤,2003,23(6):470-472
    15.Gao L, Tu H, Shi ST, et al. Interaction with a ubiquitin-like protein enhances the ubiquitination and degradation of hepatitis C virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. J Virol, 2003, 77(7): 4149-4159
    16.Tralhao JG, Roudier J, Morosan S, Giannini C, Tu H, et al. Paracrine in vivo inhibitory effects of hepatitis B virus X protein (HBx) on liver cell proliferation: An alternative mechanism of HBx-related pathogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002, 99 (10):6991-6996
    17.Shi ST, Polyak SJ, Tu H, et al.  Hepatitis C virus NS5A colocalizes with the core protein on lipid droplets and interacts with apolipoproteins.  Virology, 2002, 292(2) :198-210
    18.Tu H, Bonura C, Mouly H, et al.  Biological impact of natural C-terminal deletions of hepatitis B virus X protein in hepatocellular carcinoma.  Cancer Res, 2001, 61(21):7803-7810

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