In two other studies currently going on, (the first by Dr. Janet Konefal of Miami School of Medicine; and the other by Dr. Milton Bullock at the Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis), counseling combined with acupuncture is being tested. The preliminary results have been quite promising.
Additional studies, too numerous to mention here have proven the effectiveness of Acupuncture therapy in Nicotine addiction, (look in Bibliography for some case citings).
Between 1971 and and 1972 a series of doctors (Frank Z. Warren: New York University Medical Center; Pang L. Man and Calvin H. Chen: Northville State Hospital, Northville, Michigan), conducted seven surgeries at both Northville State Hospital and at Albert Einstein Medical Center. they used both standard Acupuncture and Electro-Acupunture techniques. They found that in all cases of surgery (six invasive and one dental) these Acupuncture treatments were successful in stopping the pain of surgery without additional anesthetics. In only one case (a repair of an inguinal hernia) did the patient complain of "discomfort;" and only in one additional case did a patient (the same one) complain of post-operative pain.
In conclusion, I feel that Acupuncture should be considered a valid form of treatment alongside, not only other "alternative" forms of treatment, but also along side mainstream medicine. More and more insurance companies are discovering the cost effectiveness of Acupuncture. Unfortunately, many insurance companies still do not cover Acupuncture therapy, with the exception of Drug Addiction treatments; and then only if other therapies have been unsuccessful, or as part of another program. Part of the reason for this is that as of the writing of this paper, the Food and drug Administration classifies Acupuncture needles as "investigational" devices. However, since this paper was written, the FDA has reclassified acupuncture needles and so, now, one great block to insurance coverage has been removed.
Acupuncture Doctors are licensed independently in most states while some states require you to be a Medical Doctor to practice Acupuncture.
Acupuncture schools are federally accredited by the ACAOM (Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine). This accreditation allows the school to offer federal guaranteed student loans.
Baxi, Dr. Nilesh and Dr.CH Asrani. Speaking of: Alternative Medicine: Acupuncture. New Dehli, India: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd, 1986.医 学 全 在线
Duke, Marc. Acupuncture. New York: Pyramid House Books, 1972.
Holden, Constance. "Acupuncture: Stuck on the Fringe." Science, May 6, 1994, pg 770.
Lever, Dr. Ruth. Acupuncture For Everyone. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, Ltd, 1987.
Lipner, Maxine. "Different Strokes." Women's Sports and Fitness, May/June, 1993, pg 31, 32, 85.
Moss, Dr. Louis. Acupuncture And You: A New Approach To Treatment Based On The Ancient Method of Healing. London, England: Elek Publishers, 1972.
Nightingale, Michael. The Healing Power of Acupuncture. New York: Sterling Publishing Co. Inc, 1986.
Ponce, Pedro E. "Eastern Medicine Collides with Western Regulations at Mass. Acupuncture School." The Chronicle of Higher Education, October 27, 1993, pg A32.
Saslow, Linda. "Scores of Students Take Up Acupuncture at Center in Syosset." New York Times, November 6, 1994.
Warren, Dr. Frank Z. Handbook of Medical Acupncture. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1976.
Case Studies
Dr. Douglas Lipton:"Lincoln Clinic Study"; Dr. Janet Konefal:"Miami Study"; Dr. Milton Bullock: "Hennepin County Study." U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Office of Human Services, AM, Volume 1, Number 3, January, 1994.
Brewington, Vincent, et al. "Acupuncture as a Detoxification Treatment: An Analysis of Controlled Research." Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Volume 11, Number 4, 1994, pg 289-307.
Professor Jayasuriya: Paper for the 5th World Congress of Acupuncture;1977: Tokyo, Japan
Special Thanks To:
Dr. Thomas Barba, Barba Chiropractic Clinic; Columbus, Ohio. Nigel Dawes, Co-Director of the School for Oriental Medicine; Syosset, New York.
Dr. Gerard O'Grady; Lake Grove, New York.