13、嗅觉[smell (scent)]
•嗅觉减退(敏锐)[hyposmia (oxyosmia)]
•嗅觉测定[measurement of olfaction]
•嗅觉倒错(嗅幻觉)[paraosmia (olfactory hallucination]
14、口腔粘膜与唇[mucosa of mouth and lips]
•口腔(唇)[oral cavity (lips)]
•口瘢痕挛缩[cicatricial contracture of mouth]
•口角[angle of mouth]
•唇(口角)干裂[cheilosis (angular cheilosis)]
•口裂[oral fissure]
•干燥(湿润)[dry (moist)]
•口唇干燥[xerocheilia (desiccation fissure)]
•口臭[halitosis (ozostomia)]
•口唇(腔)疱疹[herpes labialis (of mouth)]
•口唇肥厚[lips pachynsis]
•口腔坏疽[oral gangrene]
•柯泼力克氏斑[Koplik’s spots]
•口腔白斑(溃疡形成)[oral leukoplakia (ulceration)]
•口水(口涎增多)[saliva (ptyalism)]
•口周苍白(雀斑)[circum-oral pallor (freckle)]
•闭口困难[open bite (closure lips irreducible)]
•张口受阻(困难)[limitation (difficulty) of mouth opening]
•牙表面[tooth surface]
•牙不齐[odontoloxy (alignment disorder,malalignment)]
•牙发育不全(异常)[metodontiasis (dysplasia dentalis)]
•牙根折断[dental root fracture]
•牙齿缺失[anodontia (absence of the tooth)]
•牙脱落[odontoptosis (lose a tooth)]
•缺齿[missing teeth]
•残根[residual root]
•牙松动[odontoseisis (loosening of the tooth)]
•牙磨损[tooth abrasion]
•牙冠破裂[cracking of crown]
•牙石[odontolith (tartar,dental calculus)]
•牙列拥挤[crowded dentition]
•牙缝宽[wide interdental space]
•牙萌出过迟(早)[delayed (premature) eruption of tooth]
•牙线[dental floss]
•牙髓腔(炎)[pulp cavity (pulpitis)]
•拔牙[extract (pull out ,draw out,put out) a tooth]
•假牙[false (artificial tooth)]
•镶牙[insert tooth]
•龋齿[decayed teeth (dental caries)]
•龋洞[carious cavity]
•牙面色素沉着[pigmentation of tooth surface]
•牙关紧闭[trismus (lockjaw)]
•牙触(叩击)痛[tooth tenderness (percussion pain)]
•牙周囊肿(感染,萎缩)[periodontal cyst (infection,atrophy)]
16、牙龈[gum (gingiva)]医学全.在线网.站.提供
•牙龈出血(囊肿,坏疽,撕裂)[gingival bleeding (cyst,gangrene,laceration)]
•牙龈充血(肿胀,糜烂)[gingival engorgement (swelling,erosion)]
•牙龈萎缩(增生)[gingival atropy (hyperplasia)]
•牙龈(牙周)溢脓[gingival pyorrhea (peripyema)]
•舌背静脉[dorsal lingual veins]
•舌颤动[tremulous tongue (lingual tremor)]
•舌淀粉样变性[amyloid degeneration of tongue]
•舌尖麻木[tongue tip numbness]
•舌裂[split tongue]
•舌脓肿(溃疡)[tongue abscess (ulcer)]
•舌乳头(体,背)[papillae (body, dorsum) of tongue]
•舌苔[coated (furred) tongue]
•地图(草莓,镜面)舌[geographic (strawberry, marror face) tongue]
•裂纹(牛肉)舌[wrinkled (beefy) tongue]
•毛舌[hairy tongue]
•舌光滑(粗糙)[smooth (rough) tongue]
•舌滤泡[lingual follicles]
•舌肌萎缩(肥厚)[atrophy (hypertrophy) of tongue muscle]
•舌系带过短[tongue tie (ankyloglossia)]
•舌下囊肿(溃疡,脓肿,肿块)[sublingnal cyst (ulcer, abscess, tumor)]
•伸舌困难(偏斜)[difficulty (deviation) of tongue extenison movement]