•腹(妊娠)纹[abdominal striae (striae gravidarum)]
•腹膨隆[abdominal distention (prominence)]
•腹平坦(凹陷)[abdominal flatness (retraction)]
•蛙状(球状、舟状)腹[frog(bulbous, scaphoid) belly (abdomen)]
•腹围增大[increased abdominal girth]
•肠型[intestinal pattern]
•梯形腹[ladder-shaped abdomen]
•胃(小肠)蠕动波[gastric (intestinal) peristaltic wave]
•静脉曲张[varicosity (dilated tortuous vein)]
•腹壁紧张(松驰)[guarding (abdominal muscular relaxation)]
•腹壁切口(创伤)[incision (wound) of abdominal wall]
•腹部分区[abdominal region]
•左(右)上(下)腹[left (right) upper (lower) quadrant]
•脐膨出[projection of the umbilicus]
•腹式呼吸[abdominal (diaphragmatic) breathing]
•腹壁松弛[lax abdominal wall]
•肝肿大[hepatomegaly (enlargement of the liver)]
•脾肿大[splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen)]
•右肋下5厘米[5 cm below the right costal margin]
•肿块(肝)质硬[firm mass (liver)]
•莫菲氏征[murphy`s sigh]
•肌卫现象[muscle guarding (tension)]
•反跳痛[rebound tenderness]
•压痛点[tenderness point]
•剑突下压痛[tenderness beneath the xiphoid process]
•麦氏点压痛[McBurney`s point tenderness]
•腹肌强直(板状腹,板样强直)[rigor of abdominal muscle (wooden belly, board-like rigidity)]
•柔韧感[dough kneeding sensation]医学.全在线www.med126.com
•腹股沟疝[inguinofemoral hernia]
•腹壁反射[abdominal reflex]
•腹水征[sign of ascites]
•膀胱肿大[bladder expansion]
•膀胱区(脊肋角)压痛[tenderness of bladder region (costovertebral angle)]
•肾(肝)区叩击病[percussion tenderness on kidney (liver) region]
•移动性浊音[shifting dullness]
•鼓音[tympany(tampanitic resonance)]
•肝(脾)浊音区[hepatic (splenic)dullness area]
•肠鸣音正常(亢进、减弱、消失)[normal (hyperactive, diminished, absent) bowel sound]
•振水声[succusion (splashing) sound]