Significant Points of the Large Intestine Channel of Hand-Yangming
迎香(大肠经20) Yingxiang(LI20).
穴义 迎,迎接;香,香气。
Ying, to meet; xiang, fragrance.
定位 鼻唇沟中,鼻翼旁0.5寸。
Location In the nasolabial groove, 0.5cun from the midpoint of the lateral border of ala nasi.
主治 (1)治鼻病要穴,用于鼻塞流涕,不闻香臭等
Indication (1). main point for diseases of the nose, such as stuff Yenning nose, poor sense of smell, etc.
针法 (1)向鼻腔平刺
Method (1). puncture horizontally in the direction of the nose
备考 治疗鼻病要穴。
Remarks Main point for nose disease. |