Management of Possible Accidents
晕针 Fainting.
由于患者精神紧张、体质虚弱、疲劳、饥饿,或因体位不适,或医者操作不当,手法过重等因素造成。 |
This is often due to nervousness delicate constitution, hunger, fatigue, improper position or manipulation, such as too forceful manipulation.
现象 患者在针刺过程,突然感觉心慌、头晕目眩,或恶心欲吐,出冷汗,面色苍白,脉象微弱;严重者出现肢体厥冷,血压下降,二便失禁,不省人事等。 |
Manifestations During Acupuncture treatment, there may appear palpitation, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, cold sweating, pallor and weak pulse. In severe cases, there may be cold extremities, drop of blood pressure, incontinence of urine and stool, and loss of consciousness. 医学全.在线提供
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处理 立即停止针刺,将已经针刺的毫针取出,令患者平卧,头部稍低,注意保暖。轻者静卧片刻,喝点温开水或热水, 即可恢复。重者以指掐或针刺人中、合谷、内关、足三里,或艾灸百会、气海、关元、涌泉等穴,如仍不缓解时,可配合其他急救措施。
Management Stop needling immediately and withdraw all the needle, then help the patient to lie down, and offer some warm or hot water to the patient. The symptoms will disappear after a shot rest. In severs cases, press hard with the finger-nail or needle Renzhong (GV.26), Hegu (LI4), Neiguan (PC.6) and Zusanli (ST.36), or apply moxibustion to Baihui(GV.20), Qihai (CV.6), Guanyuan (CV.4) and Yongquan (KI.1). Generally, the patient will recover, but if not, other emergency measures should be taken.
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预防 对于初次接受针灸治疗和精神紧张者,应先做好解释工作,消除顾虑,手法不宜过重,尽量采取卧位,少留针或留针时间不宜过长;对于过度疲劳、饥饿者不宜针刺;医者在针刺过程中,发现患者面色苍白,出汗或诉说头晕等晕针先兆时,应及时采取处理措施。
Prevention For patients being treated by acupuncture for the first time, or those of sensitive individuals, a brief account of needling should be given to them prior to the treatment to relieve their nervousness, and supine posture is adopted. The manipulation should not be too forceful. Needles are not retained for long time. During the treatment, if there appear some prodromal symptoms such as pallor, sweating or dizziness, management should be taken promptly. |