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Most patients are anxious and frightened. Medical workups and records often fail to include essential information about the patient’s origins, schooling, job, home and family, hopes and fears. Without this knowledge, it is difficult for the physician to gain rapport with the patient or to develop insight into the illness. The ideal physician patient relationship is based on thorough knowledge of the patient, on mutual trust, and on the ability to communicate with one another. What the patient most need is a tactful, caring physician who is willing to take time to address their concerns and explain their illness using language they are able to understand.


The physician’s physical appearance and clothing can influence the success of the interview. Although many physicians in China wear white coats, often they are wrinkled or soiled. This may convey a sense of carelessness or even incompetence to the patient. The physician should always dress neatly and wear an ID badge with his name and position (i.e. Attending, Resident). Such attire shows respect for the patient and the medical profession. Just like bankers, businessmen or government legislators, we are professionals who deal with the public and our clothing attire demonstrates our attitude of respect towards our patients.


Although patients expect their doctors to be knowledgeable and competent clinicians, they also need their doctors to be reassuring, supportive and sympathetic.


One of the first goals of interaction with the patient is to “build a relationship” with the patient. "The patient with a good relationship with his physician will be more likely adhere to the physician’s advice. It’s helpful to spend the first few minutes of the medical encounter getting to “know” the patient. Such questions as “where do you live? What is your occupation?” may not only be important to help discern the diagnosis, but can convey a real sense of viewing the patient as a person rather than just a “disease” to be eradicated!

和病人互动的首要目标是要与病人“建立一种关系”。“与医生关系好的病人更愿意听医生的话。”在看病过程中先花费几分钟时间去了解病人是很有帮助的。有些问题,如“你住哪里?你做什么工作”等,不仅对明确诊断十分重要,而且可以让病人真正感觉到自己被看作“人”,而不是一种要根除的“疾病”。医学 全在.线提供

The physician’s nonverbal skills and behavior are one of the most important determinants of the quality of the overall doctor-patient relationship. The physician’s nonverbal cues such as eye contact, body posture, voice tone may either convey an attitude of concern or impatience. While maintaining direct eye contact with the patient, the concerned physician will lean forward towards the patient while speaking to them. He may also place his hand on their shoulder while trying to reassure them.


“A sympathetic look, an attentive silence, and a hand on the shoulder can all accomplish a great deal toward letting the patient know the doctor is emotionally in tune with the patient's distress.”


Clear communication with the patient is critically important not only to avoid misunderstandings, but also to help guide decisions regarding diagnostic tests and therapy. Furthermore, as patients become better acquainted with the physician team, they develop rapport and respect for them. This not only facilitates care, but allows the patient to receive efficient, high-quality care. The patient is more willing to accept treatment options that may involve significant complications if they truly trust their physician team.医.学全.在.线


Interaction with the patient's family is also vitally important. The physician must spend time with the family trying to explain the patient's diagnosis, treatment plan and prognosis. In fact in our hospital there must be written documentation in the chart within 72 hrs. of admission that there has been a discussion with the family. This must be co-signed by a family member. These must be explained in simple language that the family can understand. In China, family takes major responsibility for making decisions regarding patient care and they are required to sign the consent form for patient procedures.


In summary, effective interaction and communication with the patient at the bedside and with the family is the “cornerstone” or foundation of successful patient rounds. No matter how much preparation and organization preceded this interaction, if this encounter is not handled courteously and properly, patient rounds will not truly "benefit" the patient and will result in serious misunderstandings. Further this could prompt the patient and family to request discharge from the hospital against medical advice and even result in future legal action against the hospital and physician.


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