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Thyroid Cancers


There are four general types of thyroid cancer: papillary (including mixed papillary-follicular), follicular, medullary (solid, with amyloid struma), and undifferentiated and anaplastic (rare). Most thyroid nodules are benign, and thyroid cancers generally are not highly malignant and are compatible with normal life expectancy if treated properly.


Usually, either the patient or the physician notices an otherwise symptomless lump in the neck. Rarely, metastases from a small thyroid cancer may lead to presenting complaints due to lymph node enlargement, pulmonary symptoms, or a destructive bone lesion.


The suspicion of cancer is increased by the following factors: (1) age (young patients are more susceptible); (2) sex, if the patient is a man (more women have thyroid cancer by a ratio of 2:1, but women have more thyroid disease by a ratio of about 8:1; thus, a man with a nodule should be regarded with greater suspicion); (3) a solitary nodule (multinodular lesions are usually benign unless there is a dominant cold nodule by thyroid scan); (4) a cold nodule on thyroid isotopic scanning (hot nodules are seldom cancerous); (5) a history of radiation exposure to the head, neck, or chest, especially in infancy and childhood (eg, for an enlarged thymus or enlarged tonsils, acne, or lymphoma); (6) radiographic evidence of fine, stippled psammomatous calcification (papillary carcinoma) or dense, homogeneous calcification (medullary carcinoma); (7) recent or rapid enlargement; and (8) stony-hard consistency. Needle aspiration biopsy is the best diagnostic approach to distinguish benign from malignant nodules providing that a skilled biopsier and cytologist are available.




Papillary carcinoma is the most common thyroid cancer (60 to 70% of all thyroid cancers). Females are affected two to three times more often than males. It is more frequent in the young, but is more malignant in the elderly. It is more common in patients with a history of radiation exposure and spreads via the lymphatic system. Lateral aberrant thyroid rests may be found that are actually occult metastases with a benign histologic appearance. These well-differentiated cancers may be TSH-dependent and may develop in goiters secondary to Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Many papillary carcinomas contain follicular elements, but this does not alter the basic biology of the tumor.




Treatment for small (< 1.5 cm) encapsulated tumors localized to one lobe is usually lobectomy and isthmectomy, although some experts recommend more extensive thyroid surgical treatment. Thyroid hormone in TSH suppressive doses is given to minimize chances of regrowth or to regress any microscopic remnants of papillary carcinoma; surgical treatment is almost always curative. Large (> 1.5 cm) or diffusely spreading tumors often require total or near-total thyroidectomy with postoperative radioiodine scans and subsequent ablation of residual thyroid tissue with appropriately large doses of 131I administered when the patient is hypothyroid. Alternatively, recombinant TSH (not yet available) can be administered for 2 days prior to 131I for the diagnostic scan to detect residual thyroid tissue or cancer, thus avoiding the need to let the patient become hypothyroid prior to the diagnostic scan. Repeat treatment may be required every 6 to 12 mo to achieve ablation of the remaining thyroid tissue. TSH suppressive doses of L-thyroxine are given after treatment, and measurement of serum thyroglobulin is useful in detecting recurrent or persistent disease.

对局限于一叶的包裹性小肿瘤(< 1.5 cm),通常作叶切除和峡部切除,但有些专家建议进行更广泛的甲状腺外科治疗。TSH抑制剂量甲状腺激素用于减少癌的再生或使显微镜镜检下的乳头状癌残余出现萎缩;外科治疗几乎总是可以治愈它。大的(>1.5cm)或弥漫扩散性肿瘤常需行甲状腺全切或次全切伴术后放射性碘扫描和后续甲状腺残余组织切除伴适当的大剂量131I(放射性碘)(如果病人甲状腺功能减退)。还有一种方法是在射碘前先予2天重组TSH(目前无货),为诊断扫描作准备,以探查残余的甲状腺组织或癌,这样就可避免在诊断性扫描前病人出现甲状腺功能减退。每6-12个月进行一次重复治疗,以确保残余甲状腺组织的清除。治疗后应服用TSH抑制剂量的L-T4。血清甲状腺球蛋白测定有助于发现疾病的复发或持续。



Follicular carcinoma accounts for about 15% of thyroid cancers and is more common in the elderly. It is more malignant than papillary carcinoma, spreading hematogenously with distant metastases. It also is occasionally associated with a history of radiation exposure and occurs more frequently in females than in males.




Treatment for follicular carcinoma of any size requires near-total thyroidectomy with postoperative radioiodine ablation of residual thyroid tissue as in treatment for papillary carcinoma. Metastases appear to be more amenable to radioiodine therapy than those of papillary carcinoma. TSH suppressive doses of L-thyroxine and serum thyroglobulin measurements should be followed.医学.全在.线




Anaplastic carcinoma accounts for 10% or less of thyroid cancers and occurs mostly in elderly patients and in women slightly more than in men. The tumor is characterized by rapid and painful enlargement, and about 80% of patients die within 1 yr of diagnosis. Rapid enlargement of the thyroid gland may also suggest thyroid lymphoma, particularly if found in association with high levels of thyroid peroxidase antibodies and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.




Medullary (solid) carcinoma may occur as sporadic (usually unilateral) or as familial (frequently bilateral), transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait. Pathologically there is a proliferation of parafollicular cells (C cells) that produce excessive amounts of calcitonin, a hormone that can lower serum Ca and phosphate (PO4), but that is rarely present in sufficiently high concentrations to alter serum Ca and PO4 levels. There are also characteristic amyloid deposits that stain with Congo red.


Symptoms and Signs


The usual presentation is that of an asymptomatic thyroid nodule, although many cases are now diagnosed during routine screening of affected kindreds with multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIA or IIB before a palpable tumor develops.医学全.在线网.站.提供


Medullary carcinoma may have a dramatic biochemical presentation when associated with ectopic production of other hormones or peptides, such as ACTH, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, prostaglandins, kallikreins, and serotonin. This tumor is a component of Sipple's syndrome, which is characterized by medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, pheochromocytoma, and hyperparathyroidism. All three disorders are not always found in the same patient. Pheochromocytoma is present in 50 to 75%; hyperparathyroidism, in 50%. Additional findings not regularly associated with this syndrome include disorders of the neural ectoderm, including mucosal neuromas; megacolon; pectus excavatum; poorly developed musculature; and marfanoid appearance, with long arms and fingers. When these associated conditions occur, the syndrome is classified as multiple endocrine neoplasia, type IIB; hyperparathyroidism is not present in this subset.


Metastases spread via the lymphatic system to cervical and mediastinal nodes, but sometimes to liver, lungs, and bone as well.


Long-term survival is common in patients with medullary carcinoma and multiple endocrine neoplasia, type IIA, with > 2/3 of affected patients alive at 10 yr. Medullary carcinoma of the sporadic type carries a worse prognosis.




Isotopic scans demonstrate a nonfunctioning (cold) nodule that does not concentrate radioiodine. X-rays may show a dense, homogenous, conglomerate calcification. The best test for medullary carcinoma is the presence of an elevated serum calcitonin level, since only rarely is the level normal. A challenge with calcium (15 mg/kg IV over 4 h) or pentagastrin (0.5 µg/kg IV in 5 sec) provokes excessive secretion of calcitonin. Precise figures for calcitonin levels vary among laboratories.

同位素扫描显示无功能(冷)节,它不能浓集射碘。X线可显示致密、匀质、团块状钙化。髓样癌检实的最佳结果是发现血清降钙素水平增高,因为该值很少正常。钙(15 mg/kg IV滴注4 h)或五肽胃泌素(0.5µg/kg IV 5秒钟内推注)激发可刺激降钙素的过度分泌。降钙素确度因实验室而异。

Hereditary medullary carcinoma can now be diagnosed by detecting somatic point mutations in the ret proto-oncogene on chromosome 10, which are present in almost all of these patients.




Total thyroidectomy is indicated, even if bilateral involvement is not obvious. Lymph nodes are also dissected. If hyperparathyroidism is present, removal of hyperplastic or adenomatous parathyroids is required. If pheochromocytoma occurs, it is usually bilateral; therefore, an anterior abdominal approach is preferred for the operation. Pheochromocytomas should be identified and removed before thyroidectomy because of the danger of provoking hypertensive crisis during the operation.


Because of the familial incidence of medullary carcinoma, it is important to screen relatives by chromosomal analysis to detect mutations in the ret proto-oncogene and to periodically determine the basal and stimulated levels of serum calcitonin. Relatives in whom an elevated calcitonin level without a palpable thyroid abnormality is detected should undergo thyroidectomy, since there is a greater chance of cure at this stage. Some experts recommend surgical treatment in relatives who have normal basal and stimulated serum calcitonin but who have the ret proto-oncogene mutation.




This is a particularly virulent form of thyroid carcinoma. It occurs in the elderly and has a variable pathology, including spindle, squamous, and anaplastic cells. Although the prognosis is poor, a recent approach has been advocated consisting of chemotherapy and radiation before thyroidectomy and another course after surgical treatment. This approach has resulted in some prolonged remissions.




Relatively small doses of radiation during infancy and childhood increase the risk of developing benign and malignant thyroid neoplasms. A thyroid abnormality may develop about 5 yr after exposure, but the patient remains at increased risk for at least 30 to 40 yr after exposure. Probably no more than 1/3 of those irradiated develop a thyroid neoplasm; most are benign. However, about 7% of the irradiated group develop thyroid carcinoma; most are papillary or mixed follicular-papillary and are generally slow-growing and relatively nonaggressive. The tumors are frequently multicentric, and a thyroid scan does not always reflect areas of involvement. Microscopic foci of cancer often have been observed in areas considered clinically normal.


Initial evaluation of all patients who received external and internal irradiation to the thyroid gland should include an 123I thyroid scan, perhaps a thyroid ultrasound, and examination of the thyroid gland for any palpable abnormality. In the absence of any abnormality, many physicians recommend TSH-lowering doses of thyroid hormone, with the aim of suppressing thyroid function and thyrotropin secretion to decrease the chance of developing a thyroid neoplasm. A scan or ultrasound abnormality in the absence of a palpable abnormality requires clinical judgment as to whether a needle aspiration biopsy should be performed, whether a period of suppressive therapy with thyroid hormone is required, or whether surgical treatment should be performed. Additionally, thyroid autoantibodies should be measured during the initial evaluation, since diffuse or irregular enlargement of the thyroid gland may be due to Hashimoto's (lymphocytic) thyroiditis. The neck should be examined yearly. Isotopic scanning is not repeated routinely.


When operative intervention is required, near-total or total thyroidectomy is the treatment of choice, to be followed by ablation of residual thyroid tissue with radioiodine if a cancer is found depending on the size, histology, and invasiveness. The operation must be performed by a surgeon with proven expertise in thyroid surgical treatment because of the risks inherent in such a procedure, including hypoparathyroidism and injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve.


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