1. Excess Type (实证)
:: 风寒 Wind-Cold ::
Cough with thin sputum, accompanied by aversion to cold and fever, headache, without sweat, absence of thirst, white tongue coating, floating and tense pulse.
The point of Governor Vessel, Lung Meridian and Large Intestine Meridian are selected as the principal points. Filiform needles are applied with reducing manipulation in combination with moxibustion to eliminate wind cold, relieve symptom, disperse the lung-Qi and soothe asthma.
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大椎 合谷 列缺 肺俞 风门
Dazhui(GV 14), Hegu(LI 14), Lieque(LU 7), Feishu(BL 13), Fengmen (BL 12). |
Rapid and short breathing, coarse voice, chest stuffiness, dry mouth, cough with thick yellow sputum, thick yellow or sticky coating, rolling and rapid pulse.
The points of Lung and Stomach Meridians are selected as the principal points with reducing manipulation to resolve phlegm, reduce heat, disperse the lung-Qi and soothe asthma.医学 全在.线提供www.med126.com
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鱼际 尺泽 定喘 丰隆
Yuji(LU10), Chize (LU 5), Dingchuan (EX-B1), Fenglong(ST 40) |
short and rapid breathing, feeble voice, weak and low sound of coughing, sweating on exertion, pale tongue, pulse of deficiency type.
The points of Lung and Stomach Meridians are selected as the principal points with reinforcing method applied to strengthen the lung-Qi, and soothe asthma, moxibustion is also advisable.
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肺俞 中府 太渊 太白 足三里
Feishu(BL 13), Zhongfu (LU 1), Taiyuan(LU 9), Taibai (SP3), Zusanli (ST 36) |
Dispend on exertion after long-standing asthma, severe wheezing, short breath, lassitude and weakness, sweating, cold limbs, pale tongue, deep and thready pulse.
The points of kidney Meridian and Conception Vessel are selected as the principal points with reinforcing manipulation to strengthen the kidney function in receiving Qi and soothe asthma. Moxibustion is also advisable.
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肾俞 太溪 肺俞 膏育俞 膻中 关元 脾俞 中脘 |
Sheeshu(BL 23), Taixi(KI 3), Feishu(BL 13), Gaohuang(BL 43), Shanzhong(CV 17), Guanyuan(BL 26), Pishu(BL 20), Zhongwan (CV 12), Guan yuan(CV 4). |