主症 尿中有时挟有砂石,小便难,色黄赤而混浊,时或突然阻塞,尿来中断,或小便刺痛窘迫难忍,或觉腰痛腹痛难忍,甚或尿中带血,舌色如常。
Main Manifestations Occasional presence of calculi in the urine, difficult urination, dark yellow turbid urine, or interruption of urination due to sudden obstruction, unbearable pricking pain during urination, unbearable pain of the lumbus and abdomen, or presence of blood in the urine, normal tongue coating. |
主症 小便涩滞,少腹满痛,舌苔薄白,脉多沉弦。
Main Manifestations Difficult and hesitant urination, fullness and pain of the lower abdomen, thin, white tongue coating, deep, string-taut pulse. |
主症 尿血红紫,疼痛满紧,小便时热涩刺痛,舌苔薄黄,脉数有力。
Main Manifestations Hematuria with pain and urgency of micurition, burning sensation and pricking pain in urination, thin, yellow tongue coating, rapid, forceful pulse. |
主症 小便混浊如未泔,或有粘腻之物,尿时尿道热涩疼痛,舌质红苔腻,脉细数。
Main Manifestations Cloudy urine with milky or creamy appearance, urethral burning pain in urination, red tongue proper, sticky coating, thready, rapid pulse.医.学 全,在.线,提供www.med126.com |
主症 小便涩而淋沥不己,时作时止,遇劳则发,缠绵难愈,脉多虚弱。
Main Manifestations Difficulty in urination with dribbling of urine, occurring off and on, exacerbated after overwork, and usually refractory to treatment, weak pulse. |
治法 取膀胱俞募穴为主。针用泻法或补泻兼施。以疏利膀胱气机。
Treatment The Back-Shu and Front-Mu points of Bladder Meridian are selected as the principal points. Reducing manipulation along with combination of reinforcing and reducing is applied to promote the activity of the bladder.
处方 膀胱俞 中极 阴陵泉
Prescription Pangguangshu (BL 28), Zhongji (CV 3), Yinlingquan (SP 9).
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随证配穴 石淋:委阳;
Additional Points Add Weiyang (BL 39) for dysuria caused by calculi, |