Postdated menstrual period with the decrease and eventually the suppression of bleeding. Chronic case may be accompanied by sallow complexion, lassitude, dizziness, blurred vision, anorexia, loose stool, dry skin, pale tongue with white coating and slowish weak pulse which signify the deficiency of Qi and blood. Secondly, the condition can be also associated with dizziness and tinnitus. Soreness and weakness of lower back and knees, dryness in mouth and throat, feverish feeling of palms and soles, tidal fever, night sweating, pale tongue with scanty coating and wiry, thready pulse which indicates the insufficiency of essence and blood. |
Points of Conception Vessel and Back-(shu ) points are prescribed as principal ponts which are manipulated with reinforcing technique in combination with moxibustion.
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关元 肝俞 脾俞 肾俞 足三里 三阴交
Guanyuan (CV 4), Ganshu (BL 18), Pishu (BL 20), Shenshu (BL 23), Zusanli (ST 36) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) |
Suppression of meases for months, destending pain in lower abdomen intolerable with pressure, masses or lumps found in the lower abdomen, distention fullness in the chest and costal region, dark-purplish side of tongue or purple spots visible on the tongue, and deep, tense pulse.
Points of Conception Vessel, Spleen and Liver Meridians are mostly prescribed. Reducing technique is employed.
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中极 归来 血海 太冲 合谷 三阴交
Zhongji (CV 3), Guilai (ST 29), Xuehai (SP 10), Taichong (LR 3), Huge (Li 4) and sanyinjiao (SP 6) |