An object sinking in vagina, or moving down to the vaginal orifice, or protruding from the orifice as much as several inches, light red and goose-egg-like; subjective feeling of dragging down in the lower abdomen lassitude fatigue, palpitation, shortness of breath, frequent urination , profuse leukorrhea, pale tongue with thin coating and weak pulse. |
阴中有物脱出阴道口外,腰腿酸软,小腹下坠,或阴道干涩,小便频数,头晕耳鸣,舌淡红,脉沉弱。 |
An object protruding from the vaginal orifice, soreness and weakness in lumbar region and legs, feeling dragging-down in the lower abdomen, dryness in vagina, frequent urination, dizziness tinnitus, light red tongue and deep, weak pulse.医学.全在线www.med126.com |
Points of Conception and Governor Vessel are mainly prescribed. Reinforcing technique is applied. Moxibustion is used jointly.
百会 关元 气海 子宫 中脘
Baihui (GV 20), Guanyuan (CV 4), Qihai(CV 6), Zigong (EX-CA 1) and Zhongwan(CV 12). | |||
Qi deficiency : Zusanli (ST 36) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) |