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Section - Evaluation of the Patient




Robert C. Griggs

The symptoms of nervous system diseases are a part of everyday experience for most normal people. Slips of the tongue, headaches, backache and other pains, dizziness, light-headedness, numbness, muscle twitches, jerks, cramps, and tremors all occur in totally healthy persons. Mood swings with feelings of elation and depression, paranoia, and displays of temper are equally a part of the behavior of completely normal people. The rapid increase in information about neurologic diseases coupled with the intense interest of people in all walks of life in medical matters has focused public attention on both common and rare neurologic conditions.

    神经系统症状是大多数正常人每天都能体验到的一些情况。像口误(slips of the tongue)、头痛、背痛和其他疼痛、头晕、肌肉抽搐或抽动、痉挛性震颤等,都是完全健康者也可能发生的。情感波动时的喜气洋洋或郁郁寡欢、妄想、发怒等,也是完全正常者可能出现的。神经系统疾病认识的迅速提高,以及医疗活动与各界人士的密切关系,使得常见和罕见情况都能引起公众的关注。


Most older people are concerned that they or their spouse have or are developing Alzheimer's disease or stroke or both. The almost ubiquitous tremor of the elderly prompts concern about Parkinson's disease. Many younger patients are concerned about multiple sclerosis or brain tumor, and few normal people lack one or more symptoms suggesting the diagnosis of a serious neurologic disease. For most of these and other common diagnoses, imaging and other tests are typically normal when symptoms first appear and should not be obtained to reassure the patient or physician. Moreover, the widespread availability of neurodiagnostic imaging and electrophysiologic, biochemical, and genetic testing has detected "abnormalities" in many young and most elderly persons. In evaluating a patient's symptoms, it is imperative that a clinical diagnosis be reached without reference to a neurodiagnostic laboratory finding. Patients with disorders such as headache, anxiety, or depression usually do not have abnormal laboratory studies. Abnormalities that are noted on various neurodiagnostic studies are often incidental findings whose treatment may be justified and necessary but will not improve the patient's symptoms. Abnormalities detected incidentally that do not have signs or symptoms may, as for disorders such as hypertension, require aggressive evaluation and treatment, but in general, the adage that it is difficult to improve the asymptomatic patient should be kept in mind. Thus, in elderly patients, few imaging or electrophysiologic studies are interpreted as "normal" but in the absence of specific complaints consistent with the findings, treatment and even further evaluation should reflect an estimate of the specificity and sensitivity of the test, as well as the likelihood that the patient will require and benefit from treatment. It is a good rule-of-thumb that one should never obtain (or refer to the result of) a neurodiagnostic procedure without a specific diagnosis or at least a differential diagnosis in mind.



It is important to allow the patient to describe any symptoms in his or her own words. Direct questions are often necessary to fully characterize the patient's problem, but suggested terms or descriptors for symptoms are frequently grasped by the patient unfamiliar with medical terminology and then parroted to subsequent interviewers. The patient's terms should always be used when recording symptoms. Terms such as lameness, weakness, numbness, heaviness, cramps, and tiredness may each mean pain, weakness, or alteration of sensation to some patients.




Ralph F. Jozefowicz

The neurologic history is the most important component of neurologic diagnosis. A careful history frequently determines the cause and allows one to begin localizing the lesion(s), aiding in the determination whether the disease is diffuse or focal. Symptoms of acute onset suggest a vascular cause or seizure; symptoms that are subacute in onset suggest a mass lesion such as a tumor or abscess; symptoms that have a waxing and waning course with exacerbations and remissions suggest a demyelinating cause; symptoms that are chronic and progressive suggest a degenerative disorder.


The history is often the only way of diagnosing neurologic illnesses that typically have normal or non-focal findings on neurologic examination. These illnesses include many seizure disorders, narcolepsy, migraine and most other headache syndromes, the various causes of dizziness, and most types of dementia. The neurologic history may often provide the first clues that a symptom is psychological in origin. The following are points to consider when obtaining a neurologic history:

    神经系统检查正常或无局灶性征象的神经系统病变,往往只能通过病史来诊断,包括很多癫痫发作性病变、偏头痛和其他大多数类型的头痛证候、各种病因性头晕以及大多数类型的痴呆等。神经病史往往还是提示症状系精神性原因所致的最先线索。以下是收集神经病史时要注意的一些要点:医学 全在.线提供

Carefully identify the chief complaint or major problem. Not only is the chief complaint important in providing the first clue to the physician as to the differential diagnosis, it is also the reason why the patient is seeking medical advice and treatment. If the chief complaint is not properly identified and addressed, the proper diagnosis may be missed and an inappropriate diagnostic work-up may be undertaken. Establishing a diagnosis that does not incorporate the chief complaint frequently focuses attention on a coincidental process irrelevant to the patient's concerns.

仔细确定主诉或主要问题。主诉(chief complaint)不但在鉴别诊断上是为医生提供的首先线索,还是病人趋医求治的原因。如主诉未被正确确定,正确诊断就可能失之交臂,以致可能在错误的途径上追索诊断。没有纳入主诉的诊断,往往不是病人当前真正关注的问题,而是落脚在伴随的病变上。

Listen carefully to the patient for as long as is necessary. A good rule of thumb is to listen initially for at least 5 minutes without interrupting the patient. The patient often volunteers the most important information at the start of the history. During this time, the examiner can also assess mental status, including speech, language, fund of knowledge, and affect, and observe the patient for facial asymmetry, abnormalities of ocular movements, and an increase or a paucity of spontaneous movements as seen with movement disorders.


Steer the patient away from discussions of previous diagnostic test results and of the opinions of previous caregivers. Abnormal results of laboratory studies may be incidental to the patient's primary problem or may simply represent a normal variant.


Take a careful medical history, medication history, psychiatric history, family history, and social and occupational history. Many neurologic illnesses are complications of underlying medical disorders or are due to adverse effects of drugs. For example, parkinsonism is a frequent complication of use of metoclopramide and most neuroleptic agents. A large number of neurologic disorders are hereditary, and a positive family history may establish the diagnosis in many instances. Occupation plays a major role in various neurologic disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome (in computer keyboard operators), and peripheral neuropathy (caused by exposure to lead or other toxins).

深入了解病史、服药史、精神病史、家族史以及社会和职业史。很多神经病是内科疾病的合并症,或者是药物的不良反应。如帕金森神经功能障碍(parkinsonism)往往是应用甲氧氯普胺(metoclopramide)的合并症,神经安定药大多已有此反应。很多神经性病变都有遗传性,很多病例都可能有阳性家族史而确立诊断。职业亦可在一些神经病史中起到主要作用,如弯管综合征(carpal tunnel syndrome)(电脑键盘操作员)和末梢神经病(接触及其他毒素)等。


Interview surrogate historians. Patients with dementia or altered mental status are usually unable to provide exact details of the history, and a family member may provide key details needed to make an accurate diagnosis. This is especially true for patients with dementia and certain right hemispheric lesions with various agnosias (lack of awareness of disease) that may interfere with their ability to provide a cogent history. Surrogate historians also provide missing historical details for patients with episodic loss of consciousness, such as syncope and epilepsy.


Summarize the history for the patient. Summarizing the history is an effective way to ensure that all details were covered sufficiently to make a tentative diagnosis. Summarizing will also allow the physician to fill in historical gaps that may not have been apparent when the history was initially taken. In addition, the patient or surrogate may correct any historical misinformation at this time.


End by asking the patient what he or she thinks is wrong. This allows the physician to evaluate the patient's concerns about and insight into the condition. Some patients have a specific diagnosis in mind that spurs them to seek medical attention. Multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and brain tumors are diseases that patients often suspect may be the cause of their neurologic symptoms.


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