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来源:本站原创 更新:2011-11-18 职称英语论坛


 Attention to the Details
  1 Attention todetail is something everyone can and should do—especially in a tight jobmarket.
  Bob Crossley, a human-resources expert notices this in the jobapplications that come across his desk every day. “It's amazing how manycandidates eliminate themselves, ”he says.
  2 “Resumes(简历)arrive withstains. Some candidates don't bother to spell the company's name correctly. OnceI see a mistake, I eliminate the candidate, ”Crossley concludes. “if they cannottake care of these details, why should we trust them with a job?” www.lindalemus.com
  3 Canwe pay too much attention to details?Absolutely. Perfectionists struggle overlittle things at the cost of something larger they work toward. “To keep fromlosing the forest for the trees, ”says Charles Garfield, associate professor atthe University of California, San Francisco, “we must constantly ask ourselveshow the details we're working on fit into the larger picture. If they don't, weshould drop them and move to something else. ”
  4 Garfield compares thisprocess to his work as a computer scientist at NASA. “The Apollo moon launch wasslightly off-course 90 percent of the time. ”says Garfield. “But a successfullanding was still likely because we knew the exact coordinates of our goal. Thisallowed us to make adjustments as necessary. ”Knowing where we want to go helpsus judge the importance of every task we undertake.
  5 Too often webelieve what accounts for others' success is some special secret or a luckybreak (机遇). But rarely is success so mysterious. Again and again, we see that bydoing little things within our grasp well, large rewards follow.
  23Paragraph 1
  24 Paragraph 3
  25 Paragraph 4医学.全在.,线提,供www.lindalemus.com
  26 Paragraph 5
  A Don't Be a Perfectionist.
  B The Benefits of Knowing Where WeWant to Go.
  C Hard Work Plus Good Luck.
  D The Outcomes of Our Efforts.
  E The Importance of Attention to Detail.
  F Constantly Asking Ourselvesabout Details.
  27 Once I see a mistake, .
  28 If the details don't fitinto the larger picture, .
  29 A successful landing was still likely .
  30 By doing little things with our efforts, .
  A rarely is success somysterious
  B large rewards follow医学.全在.,线提,供www.lindalemus.com
  C I eliminate the candidate
  D Weshould drop them and move to something else
  E judge the importance of everytask
  F because we knew the exact coordinates of our goal

  答案:23E 24F 25 B 26D 27C 28D 29F 30B




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