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来源:本站原创 更新:2014-3-31 职称英语考试论坛


1. All the walls in the building had the same layout.
A. size
B. function
C. color
D. arrangment
2. The storm caused severe damage.
A. physical
B. accidental
C. serious
D. enviromental
3. The walls are made of hollow concret blocks.
A. big
B. empty
C. long
D. new
4. Our aim was to update the health service and we succeeded.
A. offer
B. provide
C. modernize
D. fund
5. Do we have to wear these name tags?
A. lists
B. forms
C. lables
D. codes
6. Joe came to the window as the crowd chanted ”Joe,Joe,Joe”
A. repeated
B. jumped
C. maintained
D. approached
7. He inspired many young people to take up sports.
A. encouraged
B. allowed
C. called
D. advised
8. The city center was wiped out by the bomb.
A. covered
B. reduced
C. destroyed
D. moved
9. Most baby can take in a wide range of food easily.
A. bring
B. digest
C. keep
D. serve
10. A larg crowd assembled outside the American embassy.
A. watched
B. shouted
C. gathered
D. walked
11. The weather was crisp and clear and you could see the mountains fifty miles away.
A. fresh
B. hot
C. heavy医.学 全在.线提供www.med126.com
D. windy
12. What puzzles me is why his books are so popular.
A. shocks
B. influences
C. confuses
D. concerns
13. I think $7 a drink is a bit steep, don’t you?
A. tight
B. low
C. cheap
D. high
14. The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.
A. need
B. hate
C. love
D. pity
15. Her comments about men are utterly ridiculous.
A. slightly
B. partly
C. faintly
D. completely

Brotherly Love
1. Adidas and puma began to make shoes at the end of 19th century. 
2. The brothers’ father was a ball maker. 
3. The brothers make shoes at home.
4. The brothers argued about the shoes.
5. The brothers decided to start their separate companies after argument.
6. Nike makes more shoes than Adidas.
7. People in town have forgotten their argument.

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