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2015年职称英语考试《综合类》教材新增文章-Style, Not Fashion

来源:本站原创 更新:2015/1/23 职称英语考试论坛

  第九篇 Style, Not Fashion

  Style goes way beyondfashion: It is the distinctive way we put ourselves together. It is a uniqueblend of spirit and substance-personal identity imposed oil and created throughthe world of things. _____ (1) It is what people really want when they aspireto be fashionable. (if they aren't just adorningthemselvesin status symbols).

  Through clothes, wereinvent ourselves every time we get dressed. Our wardrobe is our visual vocabulary. Style is ourdistinctive pattern of speech, our individual poetry.

  Fashion is the least of it.Style is, for starters, one part identity: self-awareness and self-knowledge._____ (2) And style requires security-feeling at home in your body, physically andmentally. Of course, like all knowledge, self-knowledge must be updated as yougrow evolve; style takes ongoing self-assessment.

  Style is also one partpersonality: spirit: verve, attitude, wit, inventiveness. It demands the desireand confidence to express whatever mood one wishes. Such variability is notonly necessary but a reflection of a person's unique complexity as a humanbeing. _____ (3) In order to work, style must reflect the real self, thecharacter and personality of the individual; anything less appears to be acostume?

  Lastly, style is one partfashion. It's possible to have lots of clothes and not an ounce of style. Butit’s also possible to have very few clothes and lots of style. Yes, fashion isthe means through which we express style, but it takes fewer clothes to bestylish than you might imagine.

  Whatever else it is, styleis optimism made visible. Style presumes that you are a person of interest:that the world is a place of interest that life is worth making the effort for.It also shows that you are morally responsible. It shows that you don't buythings at the whim of the marketplace or the urging of marketers. _____ (4) Styleexposes people's ambivalence over good looks. It always demonstrates that appearancesdo count. Deep down we suspect this, since we ourselves make judgments aboutothers from how they look.

  No one should be penalizedfor not having style, of course, but those who have it are distinctive and thusmore memorable. _____ (5) They announce to the world that they are in commandof themselves.


  adorn v.装饰,使更美观

  wardrobe n. (个人的)全部服装

  suspect v.怀疑,猜想

  wit n.风趣,说话风趣的人

  blend v.混在一起,混合

  ambivalence n.矛盾心理,矛盾心态


  1.aspire to be fashionable:渴望赶上时尚潮流

  2.an ounce of style: 一丁点的风格

  3.atthe whim of:心血来潮(突发奇想)


  A It is a way of capturing something vibrant,making a statement about ourselves in clothes.

  B Fashion is part of sty1e.

  C Rather, you focus on what is personallysuitable and expressive.

  D You can’t have style until you have a senseof who you are.

  E They create a unique identity for themselvesand express it through grooming and a few well-chosen clothes.

  F People want to be themselves and to be seenas themselves.


  A 第一段都在解释什么是风格,六个选项中A、B、D三项都涉及风格,根据文章内容和句式的排比可以看出答案是选项A。

  D 本段的主旨句是第二句话,本句是对主旨句的阐释,讲风格与自我认知的关系。只有选项D符合。

  F 本段的主旨句是第一句话,全段在解释风格与个性的关系。所以,只有选项F符合。

  C 前一句在讲有风格的人不是心血来潮,可以推测此处应该讲有风格的人应该是如何的。只有选项C的句意与其对照,且符合整个段意。所以,正确答案是选项C。

  E 前一句讲有风格的人是独特的,因此也更容易被人记住,选项E在解释他们是通过什么方式做到这一点的。所以,选项E符合本段段意。


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