1 Native American artwork and artifacts have been enthusiastically collected and studied abroad for a number of years.
A eagerly
B periodically
C thoroughly
D systematically
2 Manufacturers spend millions of dollars on advertising to entice people to buy their products.
A entertain
B encounter
C tempt
D force
3 Enamel, the hardest substance in a human being's body, covers the entire crown of the tooth.
A whole
B inseparable
C superficial
D main
4 The Industrial Revolution marked the beginning of an epoch of exodus from rural areas to cities.
A episode
B period
C migration
D story
5 All gases and most liquids and solids expand when heated, but they do not expand equally.
A simultaneously
B randomly
C accurately
D uniformly
6 Pendulums are used to regulate motion in some scientific equipments.
A laboratories
B measurements
C apparatuses
D experiments
7 More than 89 of the buildings in Annapolis, Maryland, were erected before the Revolutionary War.
A planned
B leveled
C enlarged
D constructed
8 The North American desert, a vast belt of inhospitable terrain, stretches erratically down the western side of the continent.
A endlessly
B irregularly
C ominously
D longitudinally