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消化病学名词Digestive disease terminology


水样便, watery stool

顺蠕动吻合[术], iso-peristaltic anastomosis

胎粪性肠梗阻, meconium ileus

胎粪性腹膜炎, meconium peritonitis


探条扩张[术], bougienage

特发性弥漫性溃疡, idiopathic diffuse ulcer

Turcot综合征, Turcot syndrome

体外肝灌注, extra-corporeal liver perfusion

同期胰肾联合移植, simultaneous pancreas and renal transplantation

吞气症, aerophagia, air swallowing

吞线试验, string test

拖出术, pull-through operation

脱落法细胞学检查[术], exfoliative cytologic examination

脱气水, de-aerated water

外伤性胰腺炎, traumatic pancreatitis

外伤性直肠炎,  traumatic proctitis

Witzel胃造口术, Witzel gastrostomy

微波凝固[术], microwave coagulation

Vim-Silverman针活组织检查, Vim-Silverman needle biopsy

萎缩性胃炎, atrophic gastritis

畏食, sitophobia, sitiophobia

胃[肠]石, bezoar

胃癌, gastric cancer

胃半切除术, hemigastrectomy

胃部分切除术, partial gastrectomy

胃肠出血, gastrointestinal bleeding

胃肠道外全面营养, total parenteral nutrition

胃肠吻合术, gastroenterostomy

胃出口梗阻, gastric outlet obstruction

胃次全切除术, subtotal gastrectomy

胃底折叠术, fundoplication

胃窦切除术, antrectomy

胃固定术, gastropexy

胃结核, tuberculosis of stomach

胃镜, gastroscope

胃镜检查[术], gastroscopy

胃空肠结肠瘘, gastrojejunocolic fistula

胃空肠吻合术, gastrojejunostomy

胃溃疡, gastric ulcer

胃泌素瘤, gastrinoma

胃扭转, gastric volvulus

胃旁路术, gastric bypass

胃气胀, bloating

胃憩室, gastric diverticulum

胃切开术, gastrotomy

胃全切除术, total gastrectomy

胃十二指肠吻合术, gastroduodenostomy

胃食管反流, gastroesophageal reflux

胃外瘘, gastrocutaneous fistula

胃下垂, gastroptosis

胃炎, gastritis

胃液分析, gastric analysis

胃造口术, gastrostomy

胃粘膜脱垂, prolapse of gastric mucosa

胃重复[畸形], reduplication of stomach

胃潴留, gastric retention, 

胃灼热, heartburn, pyrosis

吻合[术], anastomosis

吻合口, anastomotic stoma

吻合口溃疡, stomal ulcer, marginal ulcer

无肝期, anhepatic phase

无结石胆囊炎, acalculous cholecystitis

无菌性腹膜炎, aseptic peritonitis

戊型病毒性肝炎, viral hepatitis type E

吸收不良, malabsorption

吸引活检[术], suction biopsy

Hirschsprung病, Hirschsprung disease

Hill食管裂孔疝修补术, Hill hiatal hernia repair

息肉, polyp

息肉病, polyposis

息肉分块切除[术], piecemeal polypectomy

息肉切除[术], polypectomy

洗胃, gastric lavage

细菌性腹泻, bacterial diarrhea

细菌性肝脓肿, bacterial liver abscess

细菌性痢疾, bacillary dysentery, shigellosis

先天性胆总管扩张, congenital choledochus dilatation

先天性胆总管囊肿, congenital choledochus cyst

先天性短食管, congenital short esophagus

先天性肥大性幽门狭窄, congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

先天性肝内胆管扩张, congenital intrahepatic duct dilatation

先天性肝囊肿, congenital cyst of liver

先天性肝硬化, congenital cirrhosis

先天性肛门闭锁, congenital anal atresia

先天性肛门狭窄, congenital anal stenosis

先天性肛门直肠畸形, congenital ano-rectal malformation

先天性家族性非溶血性黄疸, congenital familial nonhemolytic jaundice

先天性巨结肠, congenital megacolon

先天性食管闭锁, congenital esophageal atresia

先天性食管狭窄, congenital stenosis of esophagus

先天性胃扭转, congenital gastric volvulus

先天性吸收不良, congenital malabsorption

先天性直肠闭锁, congenital rectal atresia

先天性直肠狭窄, congenital stenosis of rectum

纤维内镜, fiberendoscope

腺瘤性息肉, adenomatous polyp

相对面溃疡, kissing ulcer

消化不良, dyspepsia, indigestion

消化内镜[学], digestive endoscopy

消化系统结核, tuberculosis of digestive system

消化性溃疡, peptic ulcer

消化学, digestology

小肠恶性淋巴瘤small intestinal malignant lymphoma

小肠梗阻, small intestine obstruction

小肠镜检查[术], small intestinal endoscopy

小肠溃疡, small intestinal ulcer

小肠瘘, small bowel fistula

小肠排列术, plication of small intestine

小肠炎, enteritis

小肠移植, small intestine transplantation

小肠淤滞综合征, small intestinal stasis syndrome

小儿肝移植, pediatric liver transplantation

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